Chapter 132: The Business Alliance is about to Cry_2

Leaping onto the second floor and gripping onto a handrail, the youth performed an athletic flip, using a few quick steps to charge onto the roof like a gecko. He started making his way to the glass window on the edge to find an escape. But before he could go far, a swooshing sound echoed from the side.

Moving to inspect quickly, he noticed a chain claw piercing through the darkness at extreme speed, followed by a silhouette wearing a trench coat.

So, there was a hidden ambush!

The youth didn't pay much mind though; despite the speed of the chain claw, it was not quick enough to evade him given his agility value.

However, just as he was planning to leap aside, he realised he was losing balance as the ground beneath him slid.

Even under these circumstances, the youth reacted quickly and managed to grasp the steel frame, preventing himself from falling. However, it was too late to dodge the oncoming chain claw.