Chapter 156 Genius Al_4

"Little Snow, watch closely, this is how a Pactress fights..."

A familiar voice resonated in her ear.

Lin Xue's eyes instantly moistened, she knew, this was the not yet fully vanished soul of her grandmother, protecting her once again before disappearing, and trying to give her the final guidance.

Then, Lin Xue felt as if a pair of invisible hands were holding hers.

Just like the countless times during her childhood when her grandmother taught her how to use chopsticks, to hold an umbrella, to make paper cutouts; in this moment, her grandmother was holding her by the hand again, teaching her how to handle a scythe, how to move, how to dodge a monster's attacks, and how to strike an enemy during their guard gaps...

[Your Lifespan -1...]

[Your Lifespan -1...]

On Mu You's side, the prompts of lifespan reduction were still continuously showing up, and then he finally saw the level of Grandma Lin Xue: Level 16!

But all other attributes were marked 'question marks'.