158 Magic World's Technology_1

"Give it back! That's my property!"

Mu You was running in front, only to see the goblin chasing him frantically, with crimson eyes as though he was a mortal enemy who had killed its whole family.

Being a single, small goblin, it seemed impossible for it to catch up with him.

Unexpectedly, after running a few steps, the goblin's shape suddenly expanded. It quickly transformed into a round ball, squeaking incessantly as it rolled rapidly on the ground. In the blink of an eye, it had caught up with him.

"Hold on, why does this scene seem familiar?"

Mu You's heart raced, recalling the countless times he had been attacked by the self-destructing fish described in the game.

Without thinking further, he reached into his pocket and pressed the pocket watch.

Almost at the same moment as pressing the button on the pocket watch, the goblin rolled behind him, indeed initiating self-destruction on the spot and exploding into countless sparks.