Chapter 161: The New Owner of the Ghost Ship (Two-in-one, 6200 words)_4

The effects weren't too bad: one piece increased attributes, the other automatically restored life, and both were permanent. Unlike potions, they didn't have a use limit and wouldn't wear down over time, providing ongoing benefits.

"Anything else?" Mu You pocketed the two gemstones and turned to the skeletons again.

"There's a treasure chest," one of the skeletons spoke up. "The captain's prized possession. He wouldn't let us anywhere near it."

"Where is it?" Mu You asked eagerly.

"It's in the captain's quarters!"

Mu You and the skeleton then ventured into the so-called captain's quarters, and sure enough, they found a magical treasure chest.

The chest was a treasure in itself, made even more valuable by the high-grade magic lock placed on it. The odds of opening it were only 0.1%.

Employing the Lock Heart Cave technique, Mu You managed to unlock the chest after over nine hundred attempts.