Chapter 168: Experience Points All Over the Ground_1

"There's no time, I'm going first!"

Before the helicopter could land, Mu You leaped directly from the door.

If they allowed the merfolk to break through their defense line, things would only get harder afterward.

After a teleport and subsequent roll to cushion his fall, Mu You immediately rose to his feet, holding up his magic wand. He cast his Small Fireball technique towards the merfolk that had already broken through the trenches and was rushing towards him ferociously.


A massive fireball was launched, steamrolling over a row of merfolk in front of him.

The low-level merfolk died instantly, while the higher-level ones didn't die, but were set ablaze. They howled in suffering; their bodies aflame ignited an even greater fury, driving them towards Mu You.

Mu You swiftly tossed a bindweed seed in front of him and used Rapid Growth. The bindweeds grew furiously, forming a large plant area that blocked the breached trench.