Chapter 192: The Golden Light at the Bottom of the Tomb_1

Hearing the escalating chaos outside, Mu You knew he couldn't dally any longer.

Considering this, he stealthily crawled to a cluster of grass near the stone wall and summoned a 'Wooden Clone' from the bushes.

He then ordered the clone to circle around and run towards the tomb as if it hadn't noticed the Troll Berserker, charging into the tomb's ten meters vicinity.


The Berserker guarding the tomb suddenly opened his eyes, hoisting his giant axe, and let out a roar as if warning him not to come closer. However, there were no signs of him pursuing after.

"He's not falling for it?"

Mu You was surprised, was this troll too cool-headed?

Left with no choice, Mu You decided to make the decision to go all out and took control of the clone to pick up a stone from the ground. He threw it in the troll's direction, although not at the troll, but at the tombstone beside it.