Chapter 197 Synthesis Furnace (6200 words)_2

The Witch Doctor was also keeping busy, throwing healing spells on the summoned beasts while taking the time to launch Magic Missiles at Gemini three times, summoning a Curse Doll on the spot.

This Curse Doll appeared as a roughly half-meter-tall straw man, vaguely resembling Gemini. As soon as it appeared, it began to scream shrilly, hopping toward Gemini.

At this point, Gemini didn't have time to notice a straw man's appearance. Seeing a doll rushing at him, he assumed it was another of the enemy's tactics. When the straw man got close, he blasted it with a close-range Small Fireball Technique.

The Curse Doll was immediately charred by the blast, screaming shrilly. At the same moment, an invisible force blasted Gemini far off, turning his entire body black and drastically reducing his health.