202 Global Public Beta_3

An hour later, the President of the Ice Emperor, together with his two deputies, traveled through the fog to the capital. They found the headquarters of Dragon group by night.

Before long, similar movement was heard again in the conference room of the Dragon group, just like the commotion that had occurred earlier at the headquarters of the Ice Emperor.

"Is this true?" Inside the hall, more than a dozen core members of the Dragon group all looked at the fog in astonishment, and asked the same question.

"I assure you that everything I have said is true."

Being under the gaze of so many experts does apply considerable pressure, Sagittarius took a deep breath, nodded solemnly, then said: "Moreover, the deity instructed me to pass on two more things: One, the remnants of the Illuminati are likely to be in Moscow at present. Two, the deity has a way to transport players to the Imperial Capital through the waterways."