Chapter 203 1.0 Era_1

[In the pitch-black night, you step out of a thorn bush and onto a small path in the forest.]

[Thanks to your night vision ability, you can clearly see the path ahead in the night.]

[Within your field of vision, there are shadowy figures everywhere. Each figure represents a player.]

[A meter ahead of you is a player with the ID 'Heartbeat'. Do you wish to greet her?]


[Three meters to your left is a player with the ID 'Lucky Bun Shop'. Do you wish to greet him?]


[Five meters behind you is a player with the ID...]


The first thing Mu You felt after logging on was: There are so many people!

Immediately after logging in, he was bombarded with a long string of friend-making prompts.

There were people within a one-meter radius of him, and within a five-meter radius, there were at least ten people. This density was quite frightening; it was nearly shoulder-to-shoulder.