Chapter 212 Corona City_3

The third rule is more an advertisement: The vessel is equipped with hundreds of empty private cabins. Those who board can freely choose a vacant cabin to reside in, but they would be required to pay the lodging fee based on the price of one year of life per day.

Apart from serving as a basic private space, the ship cabins offer the players one significant benefit, which is to conserve their energy!

As long as they stay overnight in the cabin, any unused energy from the day would accumulate for the next day, up to a maximum of 50 energy points.

However, the prerequisite is that they must stay in the cabin the entire time. If they venture out mid-way, the accumulated energy would automatically disappear before midnight.

Despite these many restrictions, all 26 players promptly applied for a cabin as soon as the rule was announced. Paying just one year's lifespan per day to prevent the waste of a dozen or so energy points, it was a net gain whichever way you looked at it.