Chapter 218: Reincarnation (6100 words) _1

"What do you believe the method of crafting a magic crystal is?" Rather than answering the question regarding the Forest Spirit, Vivian suddenly asked something else.

"The crystal..."

Mu You was taken aback. Theoretically speaking, a magic crystal was created using the most basic logic of black magic after unravelling its principles, forming a harmless magic circuit.

Though it sounded easy, stripping the core of black magic and extracting its purest components was anything but simple.

"A pure black magic circuit essentially requires artisans to painstakingly create it from scratch. But black magic is not like normal magic; it can't be freely studied. Each study is like dancing on a sword's edge, risking a loss of control upon failure."

"Under such conditions, a Forest Spirit, who can absorb black magic contamination, freely change form, and perfectly simulate human magic circuit operations, is the ideal test subject."