Chapter 223 Frog Born Winner_1

[You quietly lurk at the bottom of the water, waiting patiently.]

[After a moment, you see a small submarine, its propeller rotating quietly as it approaches.]

[It is a submarine filled with steampunk style. At its back are a propeller and jet made of hinges and gears. On the side of the spherical hull, there are three fin-like metallic wings to enhance the submarine's stability and steering ability. At the front of the submarine, two metal antennae protrude like bug legs, serving as working arms.]

[At front of the submarine, two searchlights, like eyes, emit anti-stealth beams, scanning the nearby area. Confirming that there are no living beings, the submarine continues to approach.]

[When it reached the explosion site, the submarine extended its two working arms, collected the unstable sulfur pieces floating in the sea, and sent them back to the storage container at the top of the submarine.]