Chapter 233 No One Knows Her Better_3

The Ghost Lilies also had a time limit, subjected to the restrictions set by him and the man in green. They definitely would not let the enemy Pactress freely take lives anymore. With time, the number of Ghost Lilies on the ground would only decrease.

Once the number of these disgusting Hellflowers decreased to a certain quantity, they could start a counterattack...

Calculating his plan, the man in yellow was interrupted by a sudden roar of a dragon from the sky behind him.

Everyone instinctively turned towards the sound, and saw a Flying Dragon descending rapidly from above the Mage Tower.

The Chimera with giant purple wings swooped down from the sky. As it neared the Magic Crystal Cannon, acidic Dragon Breath was continuously spewed from its mouth.

When the Magic Crystal Cannon detected the approach of a hostile creature, it fired an energy bullet towards the sky automatically.