Chapter 247 Thunder Spirit Juvenile_3

[Jiu You: Oh? How much is the Excellent Grade?]

[Ghost Captain: Three times the price of the regular grade.]

This price is set by Mu You based on the synthesis standards of the Synthesis Furnace. He has been accumulating a batch of Excellent Potions. With the Synthesis Furnace still in disrepair unable to further synthesize, and with no immediate use for the potions, selling them is the best choice.

Upon seeing the price, Jiu You can only respond with a bitter smile.

Is the price reasonable? Of course, it is. But reasonable doesn't necessarily mean cost-effective. Especially from the perspective of a group, it's not worth spending three times the price for a mere 5% increase. Given choices and limited resources, the state would prioritize exchanging materials for more cost-effective regular potions.