Chapter 250 Exchange Exchange_1

"Leaving aside where it came from, how did you determine it's not sterilized?" Mu You curiously looked at Chen Yichuan.

In the Star Spirit World, sterilization is not a physical castration like on Earth, but a magical operation. There should be no observable difference in appearance before and after sterilization.

"Sterilized Silver Owls have slightly duller plumage at the tips of their wings than the other parts. This minimal difference is hard to notice; only those who have dealt with Silver Owls for a long time can tell," Song Wenjing answered for Chen Yichuan.

She looked at the Silver Owl in Mu You's hands with astonishment as, to her knowledge, all Silver Owls in the Star Spirit World had their supply monopolized. The ones seen in the market were all sterilized breeds.

Even the Silver Owls in their base were sterilized ones purchased from pet traders. They'd only seen wild Silver Owls in pictures.

"I see..."