Chapter 258 Cola Seeking Votes by Performing (Everyday Chapter)_3

Every now and then, passers-by would walk past him, but no one seemed interested in stopping. After all, at first glance, Cola just seemed to be an ordinary American Shorthair; there was nothing particularly remarkable about him.

"Look at that cat, such a chubby American Shorthair!"

"Why would anyone be interested in an American Shorthair? Let's check out the magical pets instead. I'm telling you, the Mandrake over there is absolutely adorable! Make sure to take plenty of pictures for me so I can post them in my friend circle later…"


Two young girls passed by the stone platform, giggling as they looked in Cola's direction.

Cola paid them no mind, lazily sprawling on the warm stone. His gaze followed the girls as they left, and a smirk crossed his face: Hmph, foolish humans! I have no desire to please women who squeal with delight at the sight of a piece of grass!