Chapter 261: The Panda Man, Zhou You_1

[Eric feels uneasy about his refusal and asks what you want as a reward. You are about to respond...]

[You tell him that you want 1000 reputation points.]

[Eric categorically rejects your outrageous request!]

Mu You was hoping to seize this opportunity to fleece Eric and complete the reputation quest all at once, but it didn't seem like it was going to be that easy.

[After hesitating for a long time while looking at you with a conflicted expression, Eric eventually makes a new offer: 400 reputation points for clearing out the rat nest in the U-shaped Mountain Pass, with one extra point for each rat ear you bring him. That's the limit of what he can offer!]

"What a cheapskate..."

Mu You sighed internally. Back in the Elf Forest, killing a troll would net dozens of reputation points, while here one would only offer one. It goes to show just how xenophobic this race is, making foreign adventurers struggle for every benefit as if it's tearing away pieces of their own flesh.