Chapter 278 The Behavior of Fighting for Affection_1

The heat continued to rise, forcing Little Ya to stop her light spells and back away.

Lin Xue and Ye Rumeng, who were in the room, heard the commotion and gathered around to see what was happening.

The fire elementals calmed down after about a minute.

Under the watchful eyes of the group, the flames ceased after the Phoenix Egg crafted more and more, giving them a clear indication of a lively creature inside, constantly pecking away at the shell, eager to break free.

After many minutes of struggle, finally, a hole emerged from the shell. A tiny head adorned with golden-red fluff popped out, cautiously taking in the surroundings.

"Is this...a phoenix?"

Everyone gathered around curiously.

"It looks like a chick..."

"But its feathers are red..."

"It seems stuck... should we help it?"

"No, hatching is a crucial process, it's best to let it do it by itself..."
