Chapter 280: The Strongest Prison in History_1

[You wrestle with a drunk pirate, throwing punches at each other's faces...]

[Both of you are soon battered and bruised...]

Mu You didn't use a vampire skin, but a basic believer's skin.

This pirate is only level 12, with average attributes. Without magic, Mu You's strength and agility are slightly superior to his opponent's; this gives him an advantage in a street fight. He was able to quickly diminish the pirate's HP.

Of course, fighting is not the goal; the most critical part is to be imprisoned.

This place is so strictly regulated, there should be plenty of law enforcement officers.

As expected, a few minutes after the fight started, a notification pops up in the game.

[A group of fully armed Octopus Soldiers rush toward you in response to the disturbance. When they get close, they quickly surround you.]

[The lead Octopus Soldier raises its weapon and demands you to stop fighting. Your choices...]