79、Tina, who has risen 10 levels in one go, prepayment_1 reward

An hour later, in Zanga Marsh.

Zanga Marsh, located to the west of Orleans City, is the territory of marsh creatures like the [Marsh Hydra] and [Marsh Giant Crocodile].

A year-round haze of green fog hangs above the marsh, almost blotting out the sun from the view of those inside.

As for underneath the marsh.

There were many roars of [Hydras] echoing from the marshes earlier, but they gradually subsided alongside the sounds of sword clashes and magical explosions.

Through the green haze, one could just barely see the bodies of Hydras, dead and yet to respawn.

Of course, these Hydra corpses were the handiwork of Su Yu and Tina.

Currently, Su Yu was sitting atop the largest Hydra's corpse, looking utterly exhausted.

This Hydra was indeed the [Marsh Hydra Boss] required for the quest; a Level 12 rare-quality boss.