104、Extra rewards for Cat Morning Star_1

"What are you doing?!!!"

Morning Star quickly morphed back into a cat, levitated to mid-air, and snarled angrily at Su Yu.

"Ah? Didn't you say you were going to take me with you?" Su Yu looked bewildered.

Morning Star, who could shapeshift into a giant dragon or a moose, was clearly a druid.

When druids shapeshift into deer, they gain the "ride" function, allowing them to travel with their teammates.

Seeing Morning Star transform into a deer, Su Yu subconsciously thought she was going to give him a ride.

But that was not what Morning Star intended.

Seething with anger, Morning Star was inclined to incinerate this human with her dragon breath. "I meant you should walk behind me into the mansion, who allowed you to ride on my back?"

As an elegant and noble Star Realm cat, even Princess Alija didn't have the privilege to ride on her. How dare this human offend her?! It was intolerable!