132, Steward Kole (First subscription requested!)_1

Seeing Sky Dragon slouched like wilted leeks, Su Yu found it amusing and showed her the Tavern's attributes and card pool's probability of draw.

One glance at the card pool's probability, and Sky Dragon instantly revitalized!

With a sassy pose, she said proudly, "I told ya! With my luck, how could I not draw anything good? Just wait and see, Master! I will draw you a couple more quality talents!"

"Go get 'em!" Su Yu encouraged her softly, handing her a slightly chilled meat skewer.

Sky Dragon devoured the skewer in one bite, not even bothering to wipe her mouth, and clicked on the [Ten Consecutive Draws] button, using up all 10 opportunities at once.

The cards were flipped one by one, the majority of which were common cards.

After all, it is only a level 1 Tavern, and it isn't until your domain levels up to a [Small Town] that the card pool will start dropping rare, blue talents.