180, campaign pass, the guardian appears again_1

After killing the enemy leader, the rest was much easier.

Leaning on her sword, Tina wiped the sweat off her forehead, "Finally killed him! Fiona, return to the camp first. Prioritize attacking the third and fourth rank bandits, don't let these bandits become too dangerous."

"Understood." Fiona also wiped her sweating and flew in the direction of the camp.

Tina looked at the dead Lake and commanded the nearest squad of knights to come and collect Lake's body.

Then Tina returned to the camp, flying high in the sky.

Above the camp, Tina looked down at the entire battlefield from the sky, dividing her mental power into more than twenty parts and issuing commands to each combat team below:

"First team, move forward fifty meters in the 2 o'clock direction..."

"Seventh team, execute a surprise attack on the building located 20 meters to your direct east, where a group of bandits is gathering."