280, Final Battle in Orleans City (3): Su Yu Breaks Down the Mage's Army_1


With an earthshaking roar, [King Kong]'s fist, as large as a small car, fiercely smashed into the [Lightning Barrier].

Yet, the [Lightning Barrier] remained undamaged, not even a ripple stirred on it, showing no sign of breaking.

On the contrary, sparks generated by the barrier reacted and clung onto Kong's fist, scorching it and giving off an appetizing grilled meat aroma.

"Woo~~" Kong whimpered, hopping to the side and tried to act cute and pitiful towards Su Yu.

"What... What's going on? Just Tier 4?" The mages from the Mage Corps were in shock.

Initially, they felt a little fear when they saw this thirty-meter-tall colossal creature.

But when they discovered that this big guy was only Tier 4, their shock turned into disdain, replacing all previous fear.

Although the [Lightning Barrier] was characterized by its high magic resistance and weak physical resistance, the idea that a Tier 4 creature could break the [Lightning Barrier] was wishful thinking!