383, Welcome home! _1

Two hours later, Su Yu awakened from the chaos.

Just as his consciousness was returning, he felt acute pain coming from the right half of his body and his back. Accompanying the pain was intense itching, a kind that went deep into the marrow, making him involuntarily hum a few times.

"How did this happen? What just happened?" Su Yu felt as if he'd been through a terrible dream, his mind a blank slate.

About 7 or 8 seconds later, his memory gradually returned, and he recalled what had happened on the Skru Star, as well as the "Dissolution Ray" that had almost taken his life.

Thinking of the Dissolution Ray, waves of fear swept over Su Yu, his heart pounding so hard it felt like it would jump out of his chest.

Fortunately, Morning Star had reacted quickly and blocked the ray for him. Otherwise, with the speed of that ray, he could have been killed on the spot before he had a chance to use his lifesaving skills!