1201, another Planet Level!

Facing this sudden turn of events, the soldiers of the Holy Silver Army and the God Level warriors instinctively wanted to resist, for they did not know what this thing was.

But soon, the command of King Zhou of Shang was conveyed to their ears.

They stopped resisting and let the sky full of golden filaments chaotically enter their bodies.

But right after the filaments entered their bodies, a miraculous thing happened! They immediately felt quite different!

It was like stepping from the sweltering heat of a summer day into an air-conditioned room and instantly feeling cool and comfortable all over. That's exactly how the regular army of Holy Silver felt! All their negative emotions were swept away!

Not only that, but positive emotions also burst forth vibrantly!

They immediately felt that this was the moment of their strongest desire to fight in their lives, with a fiery fighting spirit rushing to the skies!