Chapter 473: The Old Mother

The invitation from Tokyo University Hospital has been sent to the medical affairs office of Sanbo Hospital.

Director Zhao, along with a young officer from the medical affairs office, holding the invitation, hurried to the comprehensive Surgery Department to get a signature confirmation from Yang Ping.

Normally, Director Zhao wouldn't personally take care of such inter-hospital consultation invitations. A phone call and a notice for someone to sign in the office would usually suffice.

If it were a prestigious professor, he would also just have his subordinates take the invitation to the professor's department for a signature.

But with Yang Ping's case, it's necessary for Director Zhao to make a personal appearance. He was even humming a song along his way to the department.

Seemingly, it's not Yang Ping, but Director Zhao who was invited.

It really added prestige to his position as the Medical affairs director, Director Zhao thought to himself.