Chapter 624: De-feathering the Immortal

Although patients with metal allergies are relatively rare, Yang Ping has already encountered two cases at Sanbo Hospital.

When he first arrived at Sanbo Hospital, Yang Ping encountered a case of a fourteen-year-old boy who had to undergo surgery for an old fracture of the scaphoid bone on his left side. Two metal screws were inserted, and after the surgery, the boy exhibited multiple symptoms of synovitis in various joints.

The diagnosis was eventually "metal ion reactive arthritis". After the two screws were removed, the symptoms of synovitis in various joints began to decrease gradually.

Technically the two screws in the boy's body, which didn't involve metal-on-metal or metal-on-other materials friction, released very few ions. However, allergic reactions are not dose-dependent. Even a trace amount could trigger an allergic reaction.

For example, for people allergic to penicillin, some patients, if they even get a whiff of penicillin, could get anaphylactic shock.