Coincidence (1)

The players in the city chat channel were still talking enthusiastically.

On this side, seeing that there was no special situation outside the window, Chu Heng left the window and lay on the bed.

Instantly, a faint musty smell assaulted his nose. It was obvious that the blanket on the bed had not been slept in for a long time.

If it were before, Chu Heng might feel that even touching it would dirty his hands, let alone sleeping on it.

But now he had no choice.

Someone once said, "When your power is not enough to change the environment, all you can do is adapt."

Chu Heng was exactly like this now. To be able to sleep in a soft bed in such a dangerous world, what else could he be picky about?

Lying on the soft blanket, the mental and physical exhaustion that had accumulated throughout the day swept over him.

Just as Chu Heng was about to close his eyes and fall asleep, a private message sounded.


Chu Heng frowned. Seeing those two words immediately made him think of the two professions that he had never tired of: salespeople and frauds.

The other party did not hide his information. It was a young man named Zhang Ming. His face was full of fatigue, and his expression revealed fear and uneasiness.

There was even a hint of embarrassment.

Ever since he arrived here, he had basically never interacted with anyone. The only thing that could connect him to anyone else was the items sold in the auction house.

After thinking for a moment, Chu Heng guessed the other party's intentions.

"You want to exchange for weapons?"

The man opposite seemed momentarily taken aback, then recovered.

"How do you know that!"

"Hehe, if you have something to say, say it. If not, I'll sleep!"

He had almost fallen asleep just now, but he was woken up by Zhang Ming. Naturally, he was a little unhappy.

Zhang Ming hesitated for a moment.

"Is it alright if I trade you this thing for a hammer?"

Immediately, a map appeared in the chat box.

Map: This is a floor plan of the Tianshui Compound, detailing the distribution of various facilities in the compound.

"Tianshui Compound?"

Chu Heng was stunned for a moment. He felt that he had seen this compound's name somewhere before.

Closing his eyes for a moment to remember, he finally did.

At the beginning of the game, he landed on the road. The hardware store was at the end of the street on his left, and the exit of a compound was beside a supermarket on his right. These two words were engraved on the wall outside that compound.

Although the trading area was also divided into levels like the chat channel and only the city trading area was open at the moment, there were at least 100,000 players in this city.

Moreover, the size of this city was not inferior to the largest city on Earth.

With so many people and such a large area, this person happened to be in the Tianshui Compound behind him.

This was too much of a coincidence!

Chu Heng subconsciously felt that something was wrong and could not help but be wary of this stranger.

At this moment, Zhang Ming sent another message.

"Boss, do we have a deal?"

After some thought, Chu Heng replied.

"Sure, but this map isn't worth a hammer. The most I can get you is a steel pipe or a screwdriver."

Zhang Ming frowned.

He knew in his heart that the map could be valuable, but it could also be worthless.

He couldn't tell if Chu Heng really needed the map, but he had no other choice.

On the one hand, he had to buy Chu Heng's things at the request of the boss above. Then, he would find out the address Chu Heng was at and kill him.

On the other hand, he was in a dangerous position and really needed a lethal weapon to defend himself.

Of the three, the steel pipe was too weak, the screwdriver too short and dangerous. He wanted a hammer.

"I'm in the security booth at the exit of the Tianshui Compound. The display screen inside is connected to the surveillance cameras in all the open areas in the compound. When you want to conquer the Tianshui Compound, I can report the situation in the compound to you in real time."

"With that as an additional offer, I'll trade the map for your hammer. Is that okay, big shot?"

Chu Heng narrowed his eyes. It seemed that this kid wanted to gain something for nothing!

"Hehe, when did I say that I was going to conquer the Tianshui Compound? I don't even know where it is!

"Besides, even if I wanted to conquer the Tianshui Compound, shouldn't you be the one thanking me? After all, I'll save you from the zombies."

Zhang Ming was dumbfounded.

Chu Heng was right. If Chu Heng really conquered the Tianshui Compound, he would also be one of the beneficiaries. Chu Heng could be considered a lifesaver.

In that case, it was only natural for him to help Chu Heng conquer the compound. He should even give this map to Chu Heng.

The atmosphere instantly became awkward. Zhang Ming didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Okay, okay, I won't screw you over. I don't know if I'll be able to use this map after I take it. I don't do bad deals. If you want a hammer, you have to add a piece of bread. If you agree, we'll trade. If not, forget it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Ming handed in the deal and put up the map and a piece of bread.

Chu Heng also picked a hammer and put it up. After confirming again, the deal was reached.

Ignoring the small talk, he closed the chat box and took the map out of his space ring. Finally, he couldn't help but smile.

"Looks like we've really gotten lucky. We can get whatever we need!"

The hardware store was not a place to stay for long. Chu Heng had long realized this. He had also been thinking about what to do next.

Zombies were constantly evolving. This was like a sword of Damocles hanging above his head. If he wanted to survive, he had to go out and hunt zombies to collect Crystal Cores to improve himself.

However, the hardware store was located in the downtown area and faced the road. There were at least a thousand zombies outside. If he went out like this, he would basically be courting death.

Chu Heng had thought of using the advantage of long-range weapons to kill zombies on the second floor, but there were two problems here.

Firstly, even if he killed the zombies, he couldn't go down to collect their corpses.

Secondly, the number of arrows was limited. In front of thousands of zombies outside, it was a drop in the bucket.

Therefore, he had to find the next suitable foothold as soon as possible.

Zhang Ming's appearance and the map he "gave" to Chu Heng happened to provide Chu Heng with a possibility.

That was the Tianshui Compound.

This compound happened to be behind the hardware store, with only a high wall between them.

Based on the map, the entire Tianshui Compound was surrounded by this nearly two-meter wall. There was only one exit, and it had a double defense line formed by a thick iron gate and a retractable door. To the level 0 zombies that only knew how to charge forward, this place was easy to defend and difficult to attack. It was a rare stronghold.

As for the zombies in the compound, it wasn't a big problem.

Their numbers were much fewer than the zombies on the road, and a lot of them were inside the building.

The open-air area of the compound was very large, and the zombies were relatively scattered. He could jump onto the high wall and shoot with his longbow. With Zhang Ming's help, he could deal with them in batches.

As for Zhang Ming, there was no way he wouldn't agree to help him.

This way, as long as he cleaned up the zombies in the compound, he could rely on the double defense line at the entrance of the compound to deal with the zombies on the road and obtain a large number of Crystal Cores to improve himself.

As the saying went, take a risk and a bike becomes a motorcycle.

If he didn't do something like this with low risks and high returns, it wouldn't be a question of being stupid. He would be punished by the heavens.

However, this was all for tomorrow. At the moment, the most important thing for him to do was to get a good night's sleep and then meet tomorrow's challenge in his best condition!