Hunting Time (1)

Chu Heng quickly jumped off the high wall and ran to the big eucalyptus tree.

Two zombies nearby were attracted to him, but Chu Heng was not in a hurry.

In the next moment, he jumped lightly and easily grabbed the left end of a tree branch with both hands. Then, like an agile monkey, he stood firmly in the middle of the tree branch in the blink of an eye.

Two arrows shot out, instantly killing the two zombies that followed under the tree.

The corners of Chu Heng's mouth curled up. He leaned forward slightly while holding onto the tree branch and started yelling at the zombies around the door.

This time, he did not deliberately lower his voice. He immediately attracted their attention.

As soon as he finished talking, the zombies in front of the door instantly turned around and roared. They swayed as they rushed towards Chu Heng. At the same time, the zombies wandering around the square in the compound also rushed over.

There were so many of them that those who didn't know better would have thought they were having a gang fight.

In the security booth on the other side, Zhang Ming, who was about to send a message to Chu Heng to ask about the situation, also heard Chu Heng shouting.

Worried that he would be discovered by the zombies outside, he waited for the footsteps of the zombies to fade away before secretly craning his neck to look in the direction of the sound from under the window.

He saw a young man in his mid-twenties standing firmly between the branches of a large eucalyptus tree about thirty or forty yards from the security booth. He was holding a long, dark bow in his hand. The bow was like a full moon. The gleaming arrowhead was aimed at the zombies surrounding the tree. His white sport coat stood out among the lush green leaves.

Zhang Ming immediately realized that the young man on the tree was the big shot he was talking to.

He sized up Chu Heng for a while, his gaze lingering on the longbow in his hand.

"Boss, is that you in the tree over there?"

Chu Heng, who had received the message, paused slightly and looked towards the security booth. A man was observing them with half his head exposed.

"Yeah, it's me. Hide yourself and come out when I'm done with the zombies."

Seeing the zombies under the tree like fledglings waiting to be fed, Chu Heng couldn't help but be overjoyed.

He had more than 90 arrows on him. At such a close distance, it was more than enough to deal with so few zombies. He couldn't wait for more.

With the advantage of the terrain, he did not have to worry about these zombies hurting him at all. He could attack boldly.

Chu Heng transformed into a ruthless killer and kept repeating the action of drawing the bow and shooting arrows.

With each arrow, a zombie fell.

After a while, almost all the zombies under the tree were slaughtered by him, leaving only a few standing under the tree, baring their fangs and brandishing their claws as usual.

Even though almost all of their kind had fallen, they did not feel any fear or fatigue. Their eyes were filled with desire for Chu Heng's fresh flesh.

Chu Heng curled his lips and couldn't help but complain.

"Damn, you're the real foodies. You're so persistent, I'm almost touched!"

Although he said that, his hands did not stop moving. He untied the empty quiver on his back, then took out another quiver of arrows from his space ring, and put it on his back. He also took out an arrow and shot it with his bow.

Another arrow was shot. With a whoosh, another zombie fell from the remaining few zombies under the tree.

Immediately after, Chu Heng quickly shot a few more arrows. In just a breath's time, the remaining zombies also fell.

Under the thick eucalyptus tree, zombie corpses lay everywhere. Every zombie had an arrow stuck in their forehead without exception. The zombie blood that flowed out formed pools of blood under them.

Zhang Ming, who was hiding in the security booth, watched the entire battle with envy in his eyes again. His gaze on the longbow in Chu Heng's hand also became fervent.

After cleaning up the zombies, Chu Heng jumped down from the tree. Immediately, black blood splattered everywhere, decorating his white sportswear with black plum blossoms.

A strong rotting smell assaulted his nose, and Chu Heng couldn't help but feel nauseous.

"F*ck… How smelly…"

Chu Heng glanced in the direction of the security booth, then began to collect the bodies.

Congratulations on the successful collection. You have obtained Crystal Core * 1, Elementary Mutated Fertilizer * 100 grams…

Congratulations on the successful collection. You have obtained Crystal Core * 1, key * 2, access card * 1,…

Seeing that the danger had been resolved, Zhang Ming also climbed out of the window and walked to Chu Heng's side. He stood at the side and watched Chu Heng collect the loot curiously.

Seeing that he was 'sensible' and did not do anything crazy, Chu Heng could not be bothered with him and just focused on collecting.

It took Chu Heng seven to eight minutes to collect all the 58 corpses.

All of his loots:

Crystal core * 46, Elementary Mutated Fertilizer * 2,400g, access card * 25, key * 120, fruit knife * 3, kitchen knife * 1, screwdriver * 4, bread * 6, water * 2, space fragment * 2

At this moment, seeing Chu Heng stop what he was doing, Zhang Ming finally asked.

"Boss, is this collection?"

Chu Heng nodded and then looked up at Zhang Ming.

Zhang Ming: Player.

Strength 9, Agility 9, Constitution 8, temporarily unawakened

Threat degree: low.

In real life, Zhang Ming looked the same as he did in the chat avatar. He was in his late twenties and dressed in the uniform of a security guard, but it was hard to tell if he was wearing it before he transmigrated or he had just put it on since arriving at the security booth.

Overall, he looked quite energetic, but from the dark circles between his eyes and his dispirited expression, it was obvious that he had not slept well last night.

Chu Heng extended his right hand and introduced himself generously, "Chu Yi, originally from Xiangbei City."

Chu Heng had no intention of revealing his true information on their first meeting.

After all, it was best to be cautious these days.

Zhang Ming obviously did not expect this. After being stunned for a while, he reached out and held Chu Heng's hand uneasily.

"Hello, Big Boss Chu. I'm Zhang Ming from Xilin City."

Chu Heng nodded. After pondering for a moment, he asked.

"Now that you're safe, what are your plans?"

Hearing Chu Heng's words, Zhang Ming suddenly became a little excited.

"Plans… I want to follow you, Big Boss. Can I?"

Chu Heng raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes.

"Oh? Why do you want to follow me?"

"Because you're strong, Big Boss?"

Chu Heng smiled and asked, "I might build a team in the future, but my team doesn't keep useless people. Tell me, what can you do for me?"

Zhang Ming fell silent. Then he rubbed his head and smiled honestly.

"I have strength and courage. I can at least help!"

Chu Heng smiled and patted Zhang Ming's shoulder. He looked at Zhang Ming and smiled meaningfully.

"Fine, then follow me. Just don't get too close to me!"