Night Talk (1)

Chu Heng naturally felt the two women's burning gazes, but he ignored them.

When he was finished, he proceeded to open a can of beef and fruit without being considerate at all. Only then did he finally eat his fill. He leaned back on the sofa with a satisfied expression and burped comfortably.

The two women sitting beside him looked like they had nothing to live for. They looked at the unfinished bread in their hands and immediately lost their appetite.

After sitting for a while, Chu Heng got up and walked to the balcony to look into the distance.

The endless night sky was filled with stars. The bright moonlight seemed to throw a veil over the land. Everything was quiet and peaceful.

The lights that came on in that darkness reminded him of life on Earth, as if nothing had changed.

"What are you thinking about?"

A cold voice came from behind, interrupting Chu Heng's thoughts. Then, An Ya walked to Chu Heng's side.

There was a waft of perfume.

In the moonlight, An Ya's smooth hair fell naturally like a waterfall, reflecting a faint light like specks of starlight in an endless night sky. Her fair, rosy skin seemed to be covered in a mist, and it was as if the moonlight had draped her in a holy veil of light.

Coupled with her cold expression, Chu Heng could not help but think of the fairy Chang'e who had ascended to the moon in myths. For a moment, he was stunned.

Returning to his senses, Chu Heng calmly replied.

"I'm not thinking about anything. I'm just a little emotional…"

"In the past, I used to repeat my life at home and the company every day. I always felt that it was boring. I always said that I hoped that life would be different and more interesting…"

"Now… descending into this dangerous world…"

"I truly appreciate the happiness of that dull and safe life…"

"Unfortunately… I can't go back…"

An Ya quietly listened to Chu Heng finish speaking. She looked at the night sky in a daze and sighed.

"Yes… It's such a blessing to be alive…"

Chu Heng turned to look at An Ya and smiled.

"Let's not talk about this. What are your plans for the future?"

An Ya blinked and asked doubtfully.

"Plans? What plans? In what way do you mean?"

"Whatever… in any way…"

An Ya bowed her head for a moment, then looked up and said firmly.

"Actually, I don't have any specific plans. Let's live well first…"

"Anyway, my father is in the West Continent. I don't think we can reunite for a while…"

"What about your mother?"

"Single-parent family, only child!"

"Oh… I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything…"

Chu Heng fell silent and did not continue asking.

An Ya, on the other hand, waved her hand dismissively.

"What's there to be sorry about? It's the truth."

"What about you?"


Chu Heng pointed at his nose and asked. When he saw An Ya nod, he scratched his head.

"I'm a little more miserable than you. My parents died long ago in a car accident. I only have one grandfather."

"But he's almost seventy years old. He hasn't descended into this world. I guess that's the only good thing…"

Hearing Chu Heng's words, An Ya looked a little surprised. She was about to speak when Chu Heng raised his hand and smiled.

"Don't say sorry. It's just like you said. What's there to be sorry about…"

After chatting for about half an hour, Chu Heng took the initiative to end this conversation.

After returning to his room, he locked the door and began to count his gains.

He had already used the Crystal Cores from zombies that he had lured and killed on the ground in the afternoon to increase his attributes. After killing the zombies in the underground parking lot and upstairs, as well as the ones provided by the weapons exchange, the number of Crystal Cores on him had increased to 62.

In addition, there was an Intermediate Build Potion lying unused in his space ring.

He could be extravagant again…

"I wonder how many attributes the Intermediate Build Potion can increase this time…"

Chu Heng muttered and took out the Intermediate Build Potion to examine it.

Like the Low-Level Build Potion, this one was green, but obviously darker.

Without much hesitation, Chu Heng pulled out the cork and drank it in one gulp. Then, he bit the stick he had found earlier in his mouth.

Rich life force instantly exploded in Chu Heng's body and flowed to his limbs and bones through blood. It was as if a sledgehammer was hammering heavily all over his body.

At the same time, the pain that was several times greater than before surged like a tide. Chu Heng immediately groaned and then arched his body like a lobster. He rolled on the bed in pain. The veins in his entire body bulged and his face flushed red. He looked like he was in extreme pain.

The intense pain made Chu Heng's body tremble uncontrollably. He could only bite the stick in his mouth tightly and rely on his strong willpower to maintain his consciousness.

About ten minutes later, the intense pain finally dissipated.

Player: Chu Heng

Gender: Male

Strength: 75 (The average is 10, the human limit is 99)

Agility: 73 (The average is 10, the human limit is 99)

Constitution: 61 (The average is 10, the human limit is 99)

Ability: Unawakened

"What the…"

Chu Heng was shocked when he saw his stats. He thought that it would be good if his attributes could increase by 10 points, but he didn't expect it to increase by more than 20 points.

Especially in terms of Strength. He had already rounded up to 80 and was not far from the limit.

Feeling the surging power in his body, Chu Heng did not stop. Instead, he struck while the iron was hot and invested all his Crystal Cores into his strength attribute, directly increasing his Strength to 83 points.

The strategy of attributes that he had set in the beginning was not far from the completion now.

Chu Heng calculated that if he wanted to increase his three attributes to the maximum, he still needed 632 Crystal Cores, which meant that he would need to kill about 702 zombies.

At this point, Chu Heng could not help but frown.

More than seven hundred of them. That was no small number.

Based on the fact that there were three zombies in each house, he would have to clear at least three to four residential buildings. In reality, this number might even double. This was too time-consuming.

By then, many players would have already entered the next stage and awakened all kinds of unimaginable and powerful abilities. They would stand in front of him and snatch all kinds of resources and opportunities.

Chu Heng clearly understood that being weaker than others was a very dangerous thing in the apocalypse.

However, he was a little unwilling to give up the three maximal attributes now.

Firstly, he had already spent a large number of Crystal Cores to reach this step. Giving up now was equivalent to wasting all his previous efforts. It was better to find seeds and awaken a talent when the conditions were right.

Secondly, Chu Heng felt that the setting of this limit value was definitely important. It was either related to the strength of the awakened ability, or it was closely related to the awakening of the ability.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Chu Heng decided to continue following the previous plan.

Then his eyes lit up.

Wasn't there a place where there were many zombies?