Seed (1)

"You want to follow me?"

Chu Heng was stunned. He had never thought that he was the son of destiny who carried the aura that would make all the heroes bow down to him.

That was fiction, and what lay ahead was reality.

However, as smart as Chu Heng was, he quickly figured out the reason.

The reason why Zhang Xiaodao said that was partly because he was afraid that Chu Heng would kill him, and partly because Chu Heng was stronger than him and could suppress him.

After thinking about it, he did not directly agree to Zhang Xiaodao's request, but he did not explicitly refuse either. He only allowed him to follow him for the time being.

At the same time, seeing that the situation was under control, the two women walked over.

After all, An Ya was someone who had seen the world. She walked over and calmly glanced at the corpses of Second Brother Qi and the blonde before her gaze landed on Chu Heng and Zhang Xiaodao.

However, Meng Yue'er was different. Other than zombies, this was the first time she had seen a fresh human corpse. Her face turned slightly pale, and she involuntarily grabbed An Ya's sleeve.

Zhang Xiaodao glanced at the two women with interest, but only for a moment before his gaze returned to Chu Heng.

Since ancient times, countless heroes had fallen because of women.

He was a smart person. Before he figured out the relationship between the two women and Chu Heng, he would definitely not have any thoughts.

At this moment, Second Brother Qi and the yellow-haired youth, whose heads were not damaged, suddenly let out a low roar at the same time. Then, they turned into zombies and moved.

The few of them reacted quickly.

Of the two zombies, Second Brother Qi was the leader of the entire team. Chu Heng certainly wouldn't let go of his body. He killed him with a single slash. As for the other zombie that the blond had transformed into, he asked An Ya to help Meng Yue kill it.

After players transformed into zombies, their attributes would increase on the basis of their attributes when they were alive. Therefore, after the yellow-haired boy transformed into a zombie, his attributes were not low. If Meng Yue fought him alone, Chu Heng would really be worried.

While paying attention to Meng Yue's battle, Chu Heng activated the Intermediate Collection Technique. A faint green light floated from Second Brother Qi's body and landed on him.

Congratulations on your successful collection. You have obtained Level 0 Crystal Core * 84, Seed * 1, Key * 3, Elementary Mutated Fertilizer * 5kg, Cash * 1200, Spatial Ring Fragment * 2, Bread * 2, Ham Sausage * 12, Canned Fish * 4, Rice*2 * 10kg.

"Wow, there's quite a lot of good stuff…"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Heng was suddenly stunned.


He quickly looked through his space ring and found the object called the seed in the third compartment of the last row.

This seed was shaped like a tear, but it was slightly larger than a tear. It was about half the size of a Level 0 Crystal Core. It looked as clear as jade, and its entire body was enshrouded in a green glow.

Energy-Bearing Seed: A player's awakening material. It is the fire seed to awaken superpower. There is a certain chance of obtaining it by collecting the corpses of bloodthirsty creatures. As the level of the bloodthirsty creatures increases, the probability of producing it increases.

Hidden Abilities: Elemental—Wind (Abilities are divided into elemental, special, mystic, superhuman, and beast-like categories.)


1. Seeds are divided into two types: Energy-Bearing Seeds and Energy-Inducing Seeds. Under normal circumstances, each player can only use one seed in their lifetime.

2. The Energy-Bearing Seed can only awaken the player's corresponding special abilities. Usage requirements: The combination of the player's Strength, Agility, and Constitution attributes reaches 99.

Energy-Inducing Seed can guide players to awaken their innate abilities. The type and number of awakened abilities are random. Usage requirements: Player's Strength, Agility, and Constitution attributes have reached the limit.

3. The power of the ability is closely related to the player's attributes. After the player awakens, the player's attributes can only be increased with special potions, special spiritual plants, and so on.

After reading the hidden hint, Chu Heng thought about how he had killed at least 200 zombies without any seed dropping. However, this Second Brother Qi had already gained one before he had even killed half of them. Chu Heng immediately felt a little bad.

"Am I really very unlucky…?"

Shaking off the thought, he silently compared the two seeds.

From the hints, the strengths and weaknesses of the two types of seeds were obvious. Energy-bearing seeds were controllable and could determine the type of superpower they awakened, but the upper limit was lower and they were not easy to obtain.

Although the Energy-Inducing Seeds were random, the superpowers they could generate were also random.

This meant that it was possible to awaken two or even more superpowers. The upper limit was much higher than that of an Energy-Bearing Seed.

As for the first hint, "Under normal circumstances", Chu Heng chose to ignore it because he knew without thinking that the price was definitely not ordinary.

He had originally planned to awaken all three attributes after raising them to the limit. Whether it was an Energy-Bearing Seed or an Energy-Inducing Seed, he could choose.

And now, there was still a big gap in his Crystal Core storage before all three attributes were maxed out, so Chu Heng did not dwell too much on which seed to choose. Anyway, it was not too late to think about this problem after killing all the zombies outside the door.

However, what was certain was that he would not use the Energy-Bearing Seed that contained the ability to control the wind. He would either give it to others or sell it for an Energy-Inducing Seed.

The ability to control the wind might not be weak, but it was far from what he had expected. As a "cheat player" with a golden finger, if he chose an Energy-Bearing Seed, he would at least choose one that involved light, dark, space, and time.

Thinking of this, Chu Heng couldn't help but glance at An Ya, Meng Yue, and Zhang Xiaodao.

It seemed… it was time to establish his own faction…

"Boss… Boss…"

Zhang Xiaodao, who was standing beside him, called Chu Heng back to reality. He looked over in confusion.

Zhang Xiaodao gestured at the hooligans in the security booth and asked.

"What should we do with these few?"

Chu Heng glanced at him and asked with a faint smile.

"So what do you think? How do you think we should handle it?"

Zhang Xiaodao narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment. Then, he made a throat-cutting gesture and said coldly,


"These aren't participants in what happened back then, but they've done enough bad things. My advice is to kill them all to get rid of any loose ends."

"If you don't want to get your hands dirty, boss, I can do it for you—"

With that, the cold expression on his face disappeared and he returned to his cheeky smile. He shrugged and continued.

"Of course, you're the boss. What we do depends on what you say. If you want to take them in as your subordinates, there's no problem…"

"Anyway, I'll do what do you say—"

Chu Heng ignored the change in the way Zhang Xiaodao addressed him and looked at him quietly.

In the past, this fellow could be considered to be loyal, brave, and resourceful. Now, coupled with his decisiveness in killing, Chu Heng could not help but be delighted by him.

Such a person would be a sharp knife at the front and a think tank at the back. As long as Chu Heng could suppress him, he would be the best right-hand man. He was even more suitable to be a team member, or subordinate, than An Ya.

Of course… such subordinates had to be trained before they were used.

"Hehe…" Chu Heng patted Zhang Xiaodao's shoulder with a smile and walked towards the security booth. "Since they want to kill me, I'll naturally do it."

When he reached the security booth, under Zhang Xiaodao's shocked gaze, Chu Heng suddenly turned around.

"By the way, I have a bad temper. I don't like people testing me…"

"Next time… oh no… there won't be a next time…"