Next Step: Sweep the Commercial Street (1)

The dishes on the table were quickly swept away by the four of them.

After eating and drinking, Chu Heng leaned back in his chair and looked at the messy table. A nostalgic look flashed across his eyes.

If he remembered correctly, the last time he ate like this was the time he went home to see his grandfather a month before he descended.

"I wonder how Grandpa is doing on Planet Earth."

Chu Heng suddenly wanted to go home and visit his grandfather.

But now he didn't even know where his planet was, let alone return to Earth.

The only thing he could do now was get stronger and live well.

As long as he lived, there was hope.

After coming back to his senses, Chu Heng restrained his emotions and looked at the other three.

"Now that most of the zombies near the entrance of the compound have been cleared, does anyone have any ideas about what to do next?"

Although he had a detailed plan for the upcoming arrangements in his heart, he was not an omniscient god after all. There were always loopholes in his thinking.

As the saying went, more heads are better than one. Anyway, there was no harm in discussing it together.

Hearing Chu Heng's question, An Ya, Meng Yue, and Zhang Xiaodao's eyes met. They frowned and started thinking.

But in fact, they didn't know what was going on outside the compound at all. What constructive suggestions could they make?

"If you say so, boss, I'm sure you already have an idea. Why don't you tell us what you think and we'll talk about it and see if there's anything we need to adjust?"

Zhang Xiaodao suggested with a smile. Hearing his words, An Ya and Meng Yue agreed.

Perhaps they did not even realize that a small team had already been established among the four of them, and Chu Heng was the leader with absolute authority.

Chu Heng nodded and adjusted his posture to lean back in his chair. He crossed his legs and tapped his fingers lightly on the table, making a crisp sound.

After thinking for a moment, he said slowly.

"In my opinion, life in the apocalypse revolves around 'survival'."

"And survival is simply to stay alive. Try not to be bitten to death by zombies, starved to death, or beaten to death by others."

"Then from this perspective, it's very simple. All we have to do now is gather supplies and improve our strength."

Chu Heng paused for a moment and continued.

"Let's talk about gathering supplies first. There's a commercial street outside our Tianshui Compound. Now that the zombies have been cleaned up, we have to clean up these shops before others discover this situation. This is the most important thing now."

"As for the compound itself, it will take more time to clean it up. We can put it aside for now."

Hearing Chu Heng's words, Zhang Xiaodao nodded thoughtfully.

Generally speaking, the shops on the commercial street were more focused on a category and had more concentrated resources. It would not take much time to clean them up. If it was safe, the priority of cleaning them up would indeed be higher than the residential buildings.

"I agree—"

"I agree, too…"

"I support you, Boss…"

The three of them expressed their support one after another and raised no objections.

"Alright, let's put this aside and continue talking about increasing our strength."

Chu Heng smiled and nodded before continuing.

"I won't elaborate on the importance of increasing your strength. It's divided into two parts. One is your own strength, and the other is equipment."

"I won't say much about my own strength. I reckon that some people have already awakened. What you need to do now is to increase your attributes as soon as possible…"

"My attributes have already reached the threshold of awakening… but there are no seeds. I don't see anyone selling them in the auction house…"

An Ya frowned, looking a little irritated.

"I'm still short!"

"Me too…"

After An Ya, Zhang Xiaodao and Meng Yue took the initiative to report their situation.

Chu Heng glanced at Zhang Xiaodao and Meng Yue.

Their attributes were not far apart. All three attributes were in the twenties. They were not far from the threshold of awakening.

Chu Heng's gaze returned to An Ya. After pondering for a moment, he said calmly.

"We'll talk about the seeds when the time comes. But I have to remind you that it's best not to start awakening just as you reach the threshold. Otherwise, you'll regret it after you awaken."

"In addition, there are many types of superpowers. Their effects and usages are different. The strength of the superpowers you can unleash is closely related to your attributes. You'd better start thinking about what kind of combat style and superpower you're suitable for now. Then, adjust your attribute points according to your thoughts."

After talking for a long time, Chu Heng felt his mouth go dry. He was about to take out a bottle of water to drink when he realized that the three of them were looking at him strangely.

It seemed to be surprise, admiration, and a little joy.

Zhang Xiaodao stared at Chu Heng in a daze. He was surprised and a little happy. He could not help but sigh at how wise his choice was.

As for how Chu Heng knew all this… Who cared? As long as it was beneficial to him.

"Brother Chu Heng, you really know a lot…"

Meng Yue'er looked at Chu Heng with admiration, her eyes sparkling. The "Boss" in her mouth had unknowingly changed back to "Brother Chu Heng".

Chu Heng was secretly pleased that such a cute girl was looking at him with admiration, but he did not show it on his face. He coughed lightly and continued.

"As for equipment, to put it bluntly, it's weapons and armor. According to the current situation, firearms and bulletproof vests are not very realistic for the time being. We have to find some replacements to transition first."

"In terms of weapons, An Ya, you have the crowbar for the time being. Zhang Xiaodao and Meng Yue, you two can find sticks and knives to make simple spears. It will be safer to deal with zombies with longer weapons. By the way, don't forget to prepare a shorter secondary weapon to deal with crises."

"In terms of armor, see if you can find clothes or bags made of leather. It's best if they're tough and not easily broken. You can use these to make simple armor to protect areas that are easy to bite. Oh, and gloves. This is also necessary."

An Ya stared blankly at the chattering Chu Heng and finally couldn't help but ask.

"Why do I feel like you've experienced the apocalypse before? Why do you know so much… Don't tell me you're a reborn person…"

Chu Heng's heart skipped a beat. He was indeed not a reborn person, but he had a cheat system that was even more unbelievable than being reborn.

"Of course it's from reading apocalyptic novels. These are all experiences summarized by our predecessors…"

"Like I said… If you guys had read more apocalyptic novels back then, you wouldn't have to listen to my bragging… Wait, lecture."

Without hesitating, Chu Heng waved his hand.

"It's twelve-thirty in the system. Get ready. We'll leave at two o'clock sharp…"