Extremely Lucky (1)

Chu Heng stood in front of the Neonese and looked at them coldly. He instructed the middle-aged man beside him.

"Tell them I'll ask them some questions. If either of them is willing to answer truthfully, I'll consider letting him live."

The translator spoke quickly, but the two Neonese men showed very different expressions. One nodded hurriedly, while the one who was clamoring to have his belly cut fully displayed his pride.

"I like people like you…" Chu Heng smiled happily. He stepped on his right hand and crushed it with his toes. A finger immediately turned into meat paste.

When all five of his fingers were crushed, the belly-cutting man finally lost his previous strength. He arched his body and wailed on the ground.

"Are you willing to cooperate now?" Chu Heng asked with a smile. He could not help but frown when he saw the disgusting appearance of the belly-cutting man.

The middle-aged man translated Chu Heng's words into Neonese. Then, he saw the man who was still very unyielding just now nodding crazily. The man was even afraid that Chu Heng would torture him again, so he knelt down and kept kowtowing in front of Chu Heng.

Chu Heng nodded in satisfaction and pulled him into the fitting room. He left him beside the zombie corpse inside and started asking questions.

After a while, Chu Heng walked out of the fitting room with a smile and came to the remaining Neon man.

However, before he could speak, the man had knelt in front of Chu Heng and said excitedly that if Chu Heng asked any questions, he would definitely answer truthfully.

Unlike the belly-cutting man, this guy was more afraid of death. When he saw the belly-cutting man being tortured by Chu Heng, he wanted to spit out everything he knew.

However, he did not know what Chu Heng wanted to ask. He could only wait for Chu Heng to ask so as not to make him unhappy.

Initially, Chu Heng wanted to torture this Neon man like he did just now and get rid of his 'toughness'. However, he did not expect that before he could make a move, the other party would surrender first. He immediately felt like his fist had hit cotton.

"Ahem, I want to ask you some questions. Your companion has already answered truthfully just now. If I find that the two of you have different answers, heh…" After saying that, Chu Heng looked at the middle-aged man and gestured for him to translate.

As he watched the middle-aged man speak in Neonese in front of the man, Chu Heng was also thinking about a question.

This time, it just so happened that this man knew some Neonese. What if he encountered a similar situation in the future? After all, although he was not considered a loser on Planet Earth, he was not a top student either. He could only understand some of Eagle Country's language.

"I wonder if there are any items that can be used as translators directly. If not, I'll have to pay attention to talents in linguistics."

Then, Chu Heng repeated the questions he had asked the belly-cutting man in the fitting room to this man and received almost the same answers.

Their answers had mentioned a man in their base with a gun who was a good shooter, and the only Awakened other than Shanjian Yezhong was his brother, Shanjian Ruizhi.

But neither of them had any clear idea of what Shanjian Ruizhi's powers were. All they knew was that he was fast, and when he moved, he was elusive and unpredictable.

Fast and elusive… Was it a special-type shadow superpower or a pure superhuman speed superpower?

Chu Heng frowned. The two of them probably wouldn't lie in such a situation. In other words, they really didn't know what Shanjian Ruizhi's superpower was. There would be no other answer if he continued asking.

After thinking about it, Chu Heng finally decided to go to the other party's base to investigate the situation.

With his current maximal attributes, it would not be easy for Shanjian Ruizhi to keep him.

Besides, he still had a "cheat" on him. If he was really caught, he would feel so ashamed as to cut his own belly!

Chu Heng's eyes turned cold as he glanced at Shanjian Yezhong and the two Neon men on the ground, as well as the middle-aged man who had helped the Neon people harm their own people.

He didn't want any of these scumbags alive.

But he intended for them to be made best use of at the end of their lives.

Chu Heng patted the middle-aged man standing at the side and smiled.

"These two men must have bullied you a lot at the base, right? I'll hand them over to you now. I'll give you five minutes to take revenge. I want to see them alive in five minutes!"

With that, Chu Heng turned around and left, leaving the place to the middle-aged man.

These two Neon men were already crippled and unable to resist. If the middle-aged man was killed by these two, he could only blame himself for being useless.

"Are you alright? Are your injuries serious?" Chu Heng walked up to Zhang Xiaodao and asked.

Actually, Chu Heng knew very well how serious his injuries were. They were neither serious nor minor.

After this incident, he was no longer so wary of Zhang Xiaodao. After all, given the situation just now, he could have given up on the two women and fled on his own.

Zhang Xiaodao leaned against a shelf and shook his head at Chu Heng with a smile. "It's nothing serious. I won't die."

Zhang Xiaodao's eyes moved slightly, but he couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief in his heart. He thought that his wound this time was worth it. At least Chu Heng wouldn't be as wary of him as before.

Previously, Chu Heng did not trust him. He knew that very well. When he first saw the pistol in An Ya's hand, he did not think too much about it. However, in the blink of an eye, he understood that Chu Heng had most likely given it to her to guard against him.

However, he did not mind this. In this post-apocalyptic world, it would be abnormal for Chu Heng to trust a person easily, especially a stranger. In many cases, one had to pay with their life if one trusted other people too easily.

If Chu Heng weren't like that, he wouldn't have made up his mind to follow him.

"What medicine works on him?" Chu Heng turned to look at An Ya.

"Bring some anti-inflammatory medicine back if you can. His internal injuries aren't serious. There's not much medicine that works, but with his current physique, he should recover in a day or two."

Chu Heng nodded and walked out the door, rushing towards the pharmacy he remembered.

However, the main reason why he came out at this time was not to find medicine for Zhang Xiaodao, but to quickly obtain the treasure chest in the shop on the commercial street to prevent any accidents.

There were about a hundred shops on the entire commercial street. From the hidden hint, there was a bronze, a silver, and a gold treasure chest. Although there were not many of them, their quality was not low. Perhaps it was because this street was more dangerous.

He had already taken one of the three treasure chests. He was about to open it when An Ya asked if the clothes fit. When he opened it, An Ya sent a request for help. However, at that time, he thought that she was still asking about the clothes, so he was in no hurry to open the private chat to read her message. That was why he almost didn't arrive in time.

Soon, Chu Heng found the other two treasure chests and returned with the anti-inflammatory medicine that An Ya had mentioned.

He grinned at the loot that had come out of the treasure chests in his ring.

He was finally getting lucky!