Investigating the Creator

Yunyang High School, Year Three Teachers' Office.

"Ms. Bai, you've been staring at your phone for a long time. Are you in love?" In the office, an English teacher, Mr. Yang, joked, "Young teachers these days are busy with teaching work. It's rare for them to fall in love. If they meet a good man, they have to grab hold of him."

But now, Bai Xiaofei, who had a myriad of thoughts in her mind, was pulled back to reality by the voice. She hesitated for a moment before she replied politely, "Teacher Yang, please don't tease me. I was just thinking about the questions."

Mr. Yang was a senior teacher at Yunyang High School. He was serious and responsible, and Bai Xiaofei was very respectful of him.

"Alright, alright." Teacher Yang waved his hand. "Then I'll go to class. I will be analyzing the English test papers for the children today. I hope they can actively cooperate."

Teacher Yang said as he walked out of the office. When Teacher Yang left, Bai Xiaofei was the only teacher left in the office.

It just so happened that she was the only one free in this class. If it were any other day, Bai Xiaofei would definitely be actively learning new knowledge and wandering in the world of knowledge.

But now, Bai Xiaofei was not reading any books. Instead, she was browsing through a piece of news. The content of the news was about a famous educational video on a yellow website.

Even the host made the person who recorded the video sound extremely mysterious. At first, Bai Xiaofei did not believe it. However, when she saw the comments below, she was stunned.

She did not expect that most of the comments below this weird video were not complaints, but a bunch of people who were sincerely impressed by the author behind this mysterious educational video.

What surprised Bai Xiaofei even more was that there were also people who talked about admiring the creator and the knowledge bloggers she had followed before.

"I'd like to see how amazing this video is." As Bai Xiaofei spoke, she followed the web address below and clicked on a yellow web address.

As soon as she clicked on the yellow website, Bai Xiaofei felt that it looked familiar. She had a very good memory.

It only took a moment for her to come to a conclusion.This yellow website was the website that the student was engrossed in browsing when she had confiscated his mobile phone some time ago!

As the news reported, it was full of educational videos. She had wronged the child. A trace of suspicion flashed through Bai Xiaofei's mind.

Could it be that, as the news said, the video in this website was very magical? However... Forgive her for her lack of knowledge, but she had never seen a tutorial video on a yellow website.

'This author must be some sort of mystical character.' With complicated thoughts in her mind, Bai Xiaoyuan randomly clicked on a video that taught high school functions.

When she first clicked on the video, although Bai Xiaofei was serious, she was only serious. She did not show any shock. However, less than five minutes into the video, the slight contempt in Bai Xiaofei's eyes had been completely replaced by shock!

"Five minutes," Bai Xiaofei mumbled, "In just five minutes, he can actually explain so many points of knowledge! Even I can't do that."

Bai Xiaofei became more and more excited. She continued to look through other videos.

The content of the videos varied. Although there was no regular pattern in the explanations, they all had one thing in common - they allowed the viewers to quickly understand the points of knowledge.

Moreover, he explained the questions very quickly in the video, but people could follow his train of thought.


After watching a bunch of videos in one go, Bai Xiaofei came to a final conclusion.

At the same time, she was determined to find the creator of the video!

Her greatest hobby in life was to delve into knowledge. Now that she had finally found a god-like figure in contact with her on the internet platform, Bai Xiaofei naturally would not let it go.

She began to observe the details in the video.

Unfortunately, Bai Xiaofei realized that most of the videos had the creator sitting on a simple table, using a pen and a few pieces of paper to explain the questions.

The topics were all different, simple and difficult. After unsuccessfully observing the environment in the creator's video, Bai Xiaofei did not give up.

She had always been unyielding. If one path didn't work, she would take another. Hence, Bai Xiaofei used the computer knowledge that she had self-taught in the past to try and find the IP address of the video creator.

But in fact, when she first started looking for the IP address, Bai Xiaofei didn't have much hope. After all, she felt that a big shot of this level would definitely hide his address to prevent others from disturbing his daily life.

However, just as Bai Xiaofei started the operation, a precise IP address was displayed in front of her.


Bai Xiaofei fell silent. She found it so easily. Was this really the IP address of that Big Boss? It was so simple. Was there a trap?

Could it be that the big boss had set a trap and caused her to find the wrong IP address? Now, Bai Xiaofei only felt that her mind was in a mess. After that, she continued to search many times before she was sure that she had not found the wrong IP address!

After realizing this, Bai Xiaofei's heart started beating rapidly. Even if this series of IP addresses was fake and a trap set by the Big Boss, she still had to try!

Even if there was only a one in ten thousand chance of finding the big boss, she would still try! Hence, Bai Xiaofei searched for the IP address and determined the final location. C University.

Could he be an Honorary Professor at a University? Bai Xiaofei felt even more complicated. If that was the case, the chances of her coming into contact with them would be even smaller.

Also, the voice she heard in the video also belonged to a young man. There shouldn't be such a young college-level professor. Bai Xiaofei thought about it and quickly eliminated the option of the Big Boss being an Honorary Professor.

She then thought, Could it be possible that this Big Shot is a young and promising teacher? If that was the case, the voice would match. Bai Xiaofei's thoughts became more and more firm.

With this thought in mind, she continued to search for the boss's location. Her slender and fair fingers were moving quickly on the keyboard. After checking the final address, Bai Xiaofei was stunned again.


"That's impossible,"

She wouldn't have known if she hadn't checked, but she was shocked when she did. To Bai Xiaofei's surprise, the final detailed address actually showed that it was at C University's student dormitory.

A student? If only a student could explain such an exciting video... Too perverted. Bai Xiaofei thought to herself. Could it be that this was a peerless genius that was hard to come by even in a million years?

The impact that day had on Bai Xiaofei was too intense. She drowsily patted her face to keep herself awake. Could it be that she had opened it the wrong way?

Bai Xiaofei took another look. Fine. The final IP address was indeed at the student dormitory! The author was a college student!