To the Ancestral House

After Lin Sen found out about his mother's condition and the large amount of money needed to treat her illness, he did not show the slightest flaw in his expression. Instead, it remained the same as usual.

"Mom, you should rest first…"

Lin Sen let his mother rest while he made a simple meal.

This was not for the old drunkard. The old drunkard stepfather and friends were full and drunk.

However, Lin Sen's mother had been busy until now and had yet to drink a drop of water.

After Lin Sen prepared food for his mother, he found a random reason to go out.

"Sen, be careful when you go out…"

"Although you're an adult, don't come back too late at night…"

Mama Lin looked at Lin Sen's back as he walked out of the door and nagged again.

What Mama Lin Lin did not know was that Lin Sen, who had left, was quietly wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes.

It was the same in his previous life.

Even though he was an adult, his mother was still worried. When he went out, the other party would always remind him.

And now, in this world, this mother was the same…

Lin Sen gathered his thoughts and walked towards the ancestral house.

The area where the ancestral house was located was half an hour away from where they were currently living. It was very remote!

Looking at the overgrown area in front of him, Lin Sen sighed in his heart.

"Who would have thought that dozens of families used to live here?"

The surrounding trees were towering, and the weeds were at least half a meter tall.

It was as if this area was submerged by an ocean of plants!

The reason why Lin Sen and his mother left the ancestral home was partly because his mother had remarried and wanted to move into a new home.

However, another reason was that the area where the ancestral house was located was no longer suitable for living!

No one could explain the reason clearly. They only knew that the plants in that area were growing crazily.

"This is it!"

Lin Sen came to the vine-covered house.


There was the sound of a key turning.

"Fortunately, the keyhole isn't broken!"

Lin Sen gently pushed the door open. Instantly, dust floated over.

Because no one had cleaned the ancestral house for many years, a thick layer of dust had accumulated inside.

"Father asked me to take a look at the photos from back then…"

Lin Sen walked all the way to his father's room. There were spiderwebs everywhere, and there was a family photo on the table.

The photo was covered in dust, but it could still be seen that there were three people in the photo.

A man and a woman, two grown adults. And they were holding the child in the middle from his left and right.

They were Lin Sen's parents and the young Lin Sen.

"What's the secret behind this photo?"

Lin Sen didn't know, but he picked up the photo frame and gently wiped the dust off it.

"I really miss that peaceful life."

Lin Sen wiped the photo as he reminisced.

At this moment, there was a click, as if some mechanism had been triggered.

Lin Sen subconsciously looked at the photo frame. It was as if a disc had been ejected from the computer.

A disc popped out from the crevice between the photo frame.

"What's this?"

Lin Sen stared at the disc for a long time. The disc was very clean. There was not the slightest information left on it.

"Perhaps I need to play the contents of this disc?"

Lin Sen recalled that there was an abandoned CD player in the ancestral house.

"It works?"

Linson tried pressing the switch and the CD player lit up.

"After so many years, although this area has been abandoned, it still has electricity?"

Lin Sen was a little surprised.

He did not delve deeper into this issue. Instead, he inserted the strange disc into the machine and pressed the switch.

Suddenly, a green light appeared and covered the entire room!


Lin Sen sensed that something was wrong. At this moment, he realized that he had arrived at a strange place.

This void was like space. Lin Sen was floating.

There was no distinction between up, down, left, and right here…

At the same time, countless green bubbles floated in this space.

Lin Sen approached a bubble.

"Is this..?!"

Through the bubble, Lin Sen saw a towering tree taking root in the chaos. The earth, water, wind, and fire around the tree were fixed, forming a continent.

"The legendary World Tree that reconstructs earth, water, wind, and fire and opens up a new world?"

Lin Sen suppressed the excitement in his heart and looked at another bubble beside him.

The bubble was still filled with plants, but it was not as shocking as the World Tree.

"A giant mushroom?"

In Lin Sen's eyes, there was a huge mushroom standing on the ground in the bubble.

Suddenly, the mushroom exploded and the entire star exploded!


"This is really… a real mushroom bomb!"

Lin Sen gulped and looked at a bubble in front of him.

"Is this the legendary S-grade plant, Nine Leaf Sword Grass!!!"

In the bubble, the Nine Leaf Sword Grass slashed across, cutting the star in half!

"Slash the stars!"

"This is the power of the pinnacle of the plant-type?"

As Lin Sen watched, he seemed to understand that the countless bubbles in this space were all the outcome after various plants had grown to great maturity.

"So the plant-type can be so powerful?"

Lin Sen's heart was surging.

"Looks like the plant-type has a bright future!"

In a daze, everything in front of him became fainter and fainter. Lin Sen came back to his senses and realized that he had appeared in another place.

This was a ground that was only a few square meters in size. The ground was covered in green grass.

"Isn't this my lordship core?"

Only then did Lin Sen realize that he had arrived in the lord's world in his body.

"Wait, what's on the ground…"

Lin Sen found a thumb-sized green seed lying on the ground.

The moment Lin Sen's hand touched the seed, a message was sent.

"This is the Seed of Amplification?!"

"It can increase my plants by ten thousand times!"

Once again, waves of shock rose within Lin Sen's heart.

His father, who had disappeared after stepping onto the Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races, had actually left behind such a heaven-defying thing.

"From the looks of it, I'm afraid that the matter behind my father, who was never heard from again after he went to the Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races, isn't that simple!"

After a short moment of surprise, Lin Sen began to calmly analyze it.

"No matter what, having this Seed of Amplification can solve the problem of the slow development cycle of the plant-type."

"My mother and I can also use this to change our lives!"