A New Record

Lin Sen followed his teacher deeper into the building.

After crossing the area where the initial resources were placed, the deeper area was the entrance to the Mystic Realm Fragment.

At this moment, the passage ahead was blocked by a wooden table. Two gray-haired elders were drinking tea and playing chess.

These two old men and the wooden table had already blocked the way!

In the face of the two old men occupying the road, the teacher who led Lin Sen here did not have the slightest complaint. Instead, he greeted the two old men respectfully.

"Elder Zhao, Elder Hua, can you make an exception and let this student challenge the Mystic Realm Fragment?"

Lin Sen watched silently from the side. At first, he was a little surprised. Was there a need to make an exception to challenge the Mystic Realm Fragment?

Not all students were qualified to challenge the Mystic Realm Fragment?

But soon, an old man with white hair spoke, and Lin Sen understood the reason.

The old man held a chess piece in one hand and looked at Lin Sen curiously.

"According to the academy's rules, the challenge of the Mystic Realm Fragment should stop at this time. Other than the students who have already stepped into the Mystic Realm Fragment and have yet to come out, the other students are not allowed to challenge the Mystic Realm Fragment again…"

"Ren Changge, this student is actually worthy of your pleading. Looks like he's not ordinary!"

Ren Changge, the teacher who thought highly of Lin Sen, smiled awkwardly and did not explain further.

Lin Sen knew that Teacher Ren was protecting him. He was afraid that if he spoke too much, he would slip up and be pursued by layers of clues which would discover Lin Sen's abnormality.

"Forget it. Since you're the one who asked us to make an exception, what's wrong with us making an exception?"

The old man just now seemed to be easy to talk to; he was full of smiles.

The other old man stroked his white beard and looked at Teacher Ren thoughtfully.

He was slightly surprised and said,

"Thinking about it carefully, this seems to be the first time you've been so concerned about a student since you retired from the Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races?"

"I'm full of anticipation!"

The two old men looked at Lin Sen. This made Lin Sen feel uncomfortable, as if all his secrets had been seen through.

"Kid, come with me!"

One of the elders stood up and made way for him.

Lin Sen followed. After taking a few steps, he found all kinds of circled formations on the ground further down.

"Let me see. Since this is your first challenge, how about I arrange a small Mystic Realm Fragment for you?"

"I'll abide by Elder Hua's arrangements!"

Lin Sen's attitude was to adhere to the other party's arrangements without any complaints.

Under Elder Hua's arrangement, Lin Sen came to a formation.

This looked like a special formation that he had seen during the awakening ceremony.

"Kid, remember that you will be teleported to the alternate space where the small Mystic Realm Fragment is. As for what kind of Mystic Realm Fragment it is, I don't know because it's random!"

With Elder Hua's explanation, Lin Sen gradually understood the process of challenging the Mystic Realm Fragment.

There were many Mystic Realm Fragments. Small, medium, large…

For the same formation, if the same student stepped in, he would be transported to different Mystic Realms.

Therefore, Elder Hua did not know what kind of Mystic Realm Fragment Lin Sen would be facing later.

"Don't worry, the small Mystic Realm Fragments are basically safe!"

As Elder Hua's voice fell, the formation in front of him emitted a dazzling light.

Lin Sen only closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again, he saw another space.

"This is… the Martial Arts Hall Mystic Realm Fragment. I need to defeat the creatures in the martial hall within a certain period of time…"

The moment Lin Sen entered the Mystic Realm Fragment, relevant information surged into his mind.

At this moment, Lin Sen began to observe his surroundings. Just like the name of the Mystic Realm Fragment, this was a martial arts hall the size of a basketball court.

Looking out, it was all spatial turbulence.

"Strictly speaking, the martial arts hall that could be seen now is only one of the fragments of the real martial arts hall!"

Lin Sen observed the situation in the martial arts hall and gradually came to a conclusion.

This martial arts hall should have been very big, but it had been cut up by someone.

The current basketball court size area should have been obtained after being cut.

Some traces could be seen from the fringes of the martial arts hall.

"Are these the enemies I have to defeat?"

Lin Sen looked at the creatures in the martial arts hall.

"Scarecrows? No wonder Elder Hua said that this small Mystic Realm Fragment is very safe…"

Lin Sen stood in front of the scarecrows. The scarecrows would not take the initiative to attack.

It seemed that as long as Lin Sen did not provoke the scarecrows, they would not attack Lin Sen.

"Let's try a scarecrow first!"

Lin Sen rubbed his fists and tried to attack a scarecrow.

With a bang, Lin Sen's expression changed drastically.

He felt as if his punch had hit a rock, making his scalp tingle.

The scarecrow that was attacked in front of him moved.


Lin Sen immediately pulled away from the other party.

From the scarecrow's rock-hard outer shell, what would happen if the other party punched him?

Just when Lin Sen was worried, he realized that after he pulled away from the scarecrow, the scarecrow seemed to have lost its hatred and returned to its previous appearance. It stood there motionless.

"This …"

"No wonder Elder Hua said that the small Mystic Realm Fragment is very safe."

"Even if you take the initiative to infuriate the enemy, as long as you distance yourself, you can get rid of the hatred."

"As expected of a Mystic Realm Fragment prepared to take care of the novice lord!"

After Lin Sen gathered a lot of information about the enemy, he began to get serious.

"It's your turn to make an appearance, Nine Leaf Sword Grass!"

With a thought from Lin Sen, the Nine Leaf Sword Grass in his territorial world began to sway as a terrifying sword qi filled the air.

In the Martial Arts Hall Mystic Realm Fragment, sword qi surrounded Lin Sen.

Under Lin Sen's control, countless sword qi gathered at the center of the martial arts hall.

Gradually, the sword qi condensed into a grass plant that was like a long sword.

This position was carefully chosen by Lin Sen.

Previously, Lin Sen had roughly estimated the size of this Martial Arts Hall Mystic Realm Fragment. It was about the size of his internal territorial world.

The attack range of the Nine Leaf Sword Grass in the center of his internal territorial area just happened to cover this territory.

In other words, as long as the Nine Leaf Sword Grass was planted in the center of the martial arts hall, all the scarecrows in the martial arts hall would be within the attack range of the Nine Leaf Sword Grass!

"Sword qi burst forth!"

Accompanied by Lin Sen's low shout, the Nine Leaf Sword Grass in the center of the martial arts hall swayed slightly, as if it was gathering momentum.

A second later, nine terrifying sword qi burst out in all directions!

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

Cracks appeared on the ground.

As for the scarecrows along the way, they were either chopped in half or cut into two like chinese chives.

The first round of sword qi burst forth. Although many scarecrows were killed, there were still many scarecrows that had not been hit.

At this moment, these scarecrows "awakened" from their motionless state and converged towards the Nine Leaf Sword Grass, as if they wanted to attack it.

However, at this moment, the second wave of sword qi from the Nine Leaf Sword Grass burst forth!

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

Countless scarecrows fell to the ground, and the ground was filled with scarecrow corpses.

[Congratulations to Lord Lin Sen for completing the challenge. Level: Low-level seven-star lord. Time spent: 1 minute and 10 seconds! Obtained 10,000 points!]

Lin Sen looked at the sky. A ranking appeared there. It was a record left behind by all the lords who challenged this Martial Arts Hall Mystic Realm Fragment.

Only the top ten names and records were displayed on the rankings.

At this moment, Lin Sen was ranked first.

"Second place is Ye Zhiyuan. At that time, she was a low-level nine-star lord. She used 5 minutes and 25 seconds to obtain 5,000 points!"

Lin Sen looked at the second place. It was none other than Ye Zhiyuan, who was in the limelight in the academy. At the same time, she was also the dream girl of countless boys in the academy.