Coincidentally Encountering Ye Zhiyuan

Facing Lin Sen's request, Elder Zhao and Elder Hua looked at each other and finally nodded.

"Logically, we shouldn't have made an exception for you."

"However, the academy can make an exception for talented students with potential!"

The meaning of the two elders was obvious.

Rules were dead, but people were living.

These rules and regulations were only used to restrain most students.

For those students with talent and potential, the school could change some rules for them!

"We're both looking forward to your performance…"

Elder Hua walked forward and observed the vast ground behind him that was like a small indoor square. Countless formations were spinning.

Then, Elder Hua looked a little worried.

"Kid, all the medium Mystic Realm Fragments in the academy have been taken."

After Lin Sen challenged the small Mystic Realm Fragment, he wanted to challenge the medium Mystic Realm Fragment.

Then, he would challenge the large Mystic Realm Fragment and steadily increase his strength step by step!

However, Elder Hua told Lin Sen that all the medium Mystic Realm Fragments had been taken.

"Then… why don't you let me try a large Mystic Realm Fragment?"

As Lin Sen spoke, he was eager to try.

According to the school's rules, one had to take it one step at a time to clear the Mystic Realm Fragment.

After clearing the small Mystic Realm Fragment, he could then clear the medium one. Lastly, he could clear the large Mystic Realm Fragment.

However, the two elders had said that the school could change the rules for students with potential and talent!

Therefore, Lin Sen wanted to give it a try. He wanted to see if he could skip the middle Mystic Realm Fragment and directly challenge the large Mystic Realm Fragment.

Elder Hua and Elder Zhao looked at each other again, feeling a little troubled.

But in the end, the two old men made up their minds.

"Based on the potential you've displayed, you can indeed try to challenge that large Mystic Realm Fragment…"

Then, Elder Hua went to check the formations to see if there were any large Mystic Realm Fragments that were empty.

Unlike the random selection of small Mystic Realm Fragments, when it came to the medium and large Mystic Realm Fragments, one could take the initiative to choose.

Under Lin Sen's anticipation, not long after, Elder Hua returned with a strange expression.

"Kid, the other large Mystic Realm Fragments are all occupied…"

Lin Sen: "…"

Although he was a little speechless, Lin Sen thought about it briefly and understood.

It was already after school.

Before school ended, the corresponding Mystic Realms would probably be occupied by the students. He was late!

Lin Sen thought that he would have to wait until the next day. Just as he was about to leave, Elder Hua hesitated.

But in the end, he still said it.

"There's only one Mystic Realm Fragment left…"

There was still one Mystic Realm Fragment left?

Lin Sen's heart was suddenly ignited with hope.

However, looking at Elder Hua's expression, Lin Sen knew that the situation might not be as simple as he had imagined.

As expected, Elder Hua spoke out at this time and explained.

"Currently, the only large Mystic Realm Fragment left is the Wild Beast's Cave Mystic Realm Fragment. It is also publicly acknowledged by the academy as the most difficult of the large Mystic Realm Fragments!"

"Generally speaking, the difficulty of a large Mystic Realm Fragment is not low. It requires a two-person team to be able to do this!"

Elder Hua explained the relevant difficulty to Lin Sen.

The small Mystic Realm Fragment was very simple and safe.

Just like the Martial Arts Hall Mystic Realm Fragment that Lin Sen had broken through, as long as he did not take the initiative to attack the scarecrows, the scarecrows would not attack Lin Sen.

At the same time, even if Lin Sen attacked the scarecrows, as long as he kept a certain distance, he could get rid of the hatred.

It could be said that as long as one did not deliberately court death, it was very difficult to be injured in a small Mystic Realm Fragment.

This was why small Mystic Realm Fragments were random.

This was because no matter how random it was, one would basically not be injured in a small Mystic Realm Fragment.

As for the medium Mystic Realm Fragments, there was a certain level of difficulty from here.

Students could choose the corresponding Mystic Realm Fragments according to their strength and ability to restrain themselves, etc.

As for large Mystic Realm Fragments, the difficulty was extraordinary.

When it came to small and medium Mystic Realm Fragments, they were all broken through alone.

However, when it came to large Mystic Realm Fragments, two people had to form a team.

Lin Sen was puzzled.

At this time, how could there be other students coming to challenge the Mystic Realms?

Even if there was, the two old men would not allow it.

So, he could only go solo?

He just did not know if the two old men would allow him to go alone.

Just as Lin Sen was about to ask Elder Hua and Elder Zhao if he could apply to challenge the large Mystic Realm Fragment alone, a beautiful figure appeared at the entrance.

"Eh? Elder Hua, Elder Zhao, you guys are…"

The familiar voice was as pleasant as a silver bell, making people feel indescribably comfortable.

"Lin Sen? You're here too… Could it be…"

The girl's long black hair was loose, and she was dressed in a black outfit. With the dim light, she looked like a princess in the night.

"Ye… Ye Zhiyuan?!"

Lin Sen did not expect Ye Zhiyuan to appear here.

Elder Hua and Elder Zhao seemed not surprised by Ye Zhiyuan's appearance.

After they saw Ye Zhiyuan, they asked very skillfully.

"Zhiyuan, you just came back from challenging a medium Mystic Realm Fragment, are you going to challenge a large Mystic Realm Fragment now?"

Ye Zhiyuan nodded. She came to Lin Sen's side and smiled sweetly.

"Lin Sen, why are you here so late at night… Could it be…"

Ye Zhiyuan did not continue. Instead, she winked at Lin Sen and hinted crazily.

In fact, Ye Zhiyuan's meaning was very clear.

At this time, other than the students who came out from challenging the Mystic Realm Fragments, there were only those who had potential and were not bound by the school rules!

On Lin Sen's side, he responded.

"I was lucky enough to obtain the approval of Elder Hua and Elder Zhao, so I can challenge the Mystic Realm Fragment outside the time set by the school."

At this point, Lin Sen gradually understood why Ye Zhiyuan had appeared here.

Among the students in the same year as Lin Sen, Ye Zhiyuan could be said to be the most popular.

It was not limited to Lin Sen's batch. The entire school enjoyed unique glory.

During the awakening ceremony, the other party had awakened the Flying Bird Lord of the large category of alien beast lords. It could control many flying animals.

There was once a Flying Bird Lord who controlled the fire phoenix to burn mountains and lakes, creating an era of calamity.

From this, it could be seen that the potential of the Flying Bird Lord's ability was rather terrifying!

And Ye Zhiyuan's strength was indeed very terrifying!

Ever since Ye Zhiyuan awakened her ability, she had broken the record of several Mystic Realm Fragments.

The Martial Arts Hall Mystic Realm Fragment that Lin Sen had broken into previously was only one of the several Mystic Realm Fragments that Ye Zhiyuan had refreshed.

And with such a potential, Ye Zhiyuan was definitely a student with potential that the academy paid special attention to. Naturally, she did not have to challenge the Mystic Realm Fragment according to the rules set by the academy.

"Lin Sen, are you trying to enter the Wild Beast's Cave Mystic Realm Fragment?"

When Ye Zhiyuan heard Elder Hua and Elder Zhao's mutterings, she frowned and looked at Lin Sen with her beautiful eyes.