Potato Mines Blasting the Rat King

Rat King!

Even though Lin Sen didn't know much about this Mystic Realm Fragment, he was aware of it when he saw that behemoth.

The other party was probably the leader of these mutant rats!

"This… How can we be a match for it?"

Ye Zhiyuan shook her head and her face turned pale!

The behemoth in front of her gave her a sense of despair.

They couldn't beat it!

Novice lords like them would definitely not be able to defeat it!

"No wonder the school allows students to form teams for large Mystic Realm Fragments."

"We were too rash!"

Ye Zhiyuan felt a little regretful at this moment. She had been too arrogant.

She had just cleared the medium Mystic Realm Fragment and thought that the large Mystic Realm Fragment was only so-so.

Who knew that this large Mystic Realm Fragment would bring her deep despair!

In front, the huge Rat King stood up, and countless vines were torn apart.

It was like a demon that had broken free from its shackles!


The Rat King let out a roar that resounded throughout the world.

"Lin Sen, we… are dead meat!"

Ye Zhiyuan's face was filled with despair.

The behemoth in front of them stared at the two of them with its scarlet eyes that emitted endless killing intent.

Ye Zhiyuan and Lin Sen had seen a rat before, but this was the first time they had seen such a huge rat!

The Rat King shook slightly. The rocks and soil on its body were shaken off one after another, revealing its original appearance.

It was a huge rat with gray hair. There were a few obvious scars on its ears which seemed to be left behind from previous battles.

"It has been sleeping here for a long time. As time passed, countless dust accumulated and its body was covered with a layer of soil and rocks."

"So much so that we thought at first that it was a huge mountain!"

Lin Sen swallowed his saliva. Facing this behemoth, the shock in his heart was no less than Ye Zhiyuan's.

"Why? Why would we encounter something like the Rat King?"

"This shouldn't be the case in the Wild Beast's Cave Mystic Realm Fragment. The other Lords who passed through this Mystic Realm only faced wild beasts."

"This is not something new lords like us, or even the other lords in the school, can deal with!"

Ye Zhiyuan muttered to herself as if she had lost her soul.

She couldn't understand.

She had heard of the Wild Beast's Cave Mystic Realm Fragment and had also studied it.

After all, she had already cleared the medium Mystic Realm Fragment. The next challenge was the large Mystic Realm Fragment, so she still had this bit of information.

The appearance of the Rat King in front of her completely overturned her understanding. She did not understand what kind of luck she and Lin Sen had to encounter the Rat King.

As for Lin Sen, he thought for a moment and analyzed why they had encountered the Rat King.

Under normal circumstances, they should have fought these mutant rats with their wits and courage and broken through in the end.

However, the Parasitic Thorns he summoned, coupled with the 10,000-fold amplification, killed a large number of mutant rats.

The tragic cries of these rats woke the Rat King up…

In other words, if not for Lin Sen, the Rat King might not have woken up!

However, unlike Ye Zhiyuan's panic, Lin Sen was calmer.

Whether it was the Rat King or any other beast kings, in front of his tens of thousands of Potato Mines, they were just paper tigers.

At this moment, the Rat King stirred!

The giant Rat King slowly walked towards Lin Sen and Ye Zhiyuan.

Ye Zhiyuan's birds were trembling in fear.

Ye Zhiyuan had a bitter expression on her face. When she thought that there was no other way, she realized that the situation had reversed!

The giant Rat King in front of them slowly took a step forward.

Then, a violent explosion sounded.

Boom boom boom!

Its limbs were blasted and drenched in blood.

"What's going on?"

"Lin Sen, did you do this?"

Ye Zhiyuan could only think of Lin Sen!

She did not think that Lin Sen's previous arrangements were useless.

However, Ye Zhiyuan still could not figure out what the seeds planted by Lin Sen were.

What kind of seed would explode after being planted?

Just when Ye Zhiyuan was pondering, the Rat King in front of her let out a sharp cry again.

The Rat King seemed unconvinced. It did not stop because of the obstruction from a few potato mines.


Seeing the Rat King's posture, Ye Zhiyuan realized that the Rat King in front of her might be about to charge.

But before Ye Zhiyuan could say anything, the Rat King had already charged over.

Ye Zhiyuan subconsciously closed her eyes.

However, what followed was countless explosions.




Explosions filled the air.

Ye Zhiyuan opened her eyes curiously. She saw a very spectacular scene.

The Rat King in front of her seemed to be charging into a minefield. Every step it took would land on countless mines.

It was also at this moment that Ye Zhiyuan guessed what kind of plant Lin Sen had planted!

"Potato mines!"

Ye Zhiyuan exclaimed the plant that Lin Sen had just planted.

However, just like before, Ye Zhiyuan still could not figure out where Lin Sen had gotten so many Potato Mine seeds.

In front of him, the spectacular scene continued.

The Rat King kept moving forward, and the Potato Mines kept exploding.

In the blink of an eye, the Rat King that made people feel despair from just looking at it, had already been blasted into a bloody mess.

Finally, the Rat King could not hold on any longer.

The Rat King's limbs shook, and the entire rat fell.

And this fall was even more deadly!

Originally, only a few Potato Mines were triggered by the Rat King's limbs.

As it fell, its huge body triggered even more mines.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Rat King let out a huge cry. It struggled, trying to crawl away and leave this minefield.

However, what the Rat King did not know was that Lin Sen had planted Potato Mines all around the area.

No matter where the Rat King went, he had to pass through the minefield!

In the end, amidst the Rat King's sorrow, it collapsed once and for all, and never got up again.

The seemingly colossal and insufferably arrogant Rat King died just like that!

Ye Zhiyuan looked at the scene in front of her with her mouth agape.

She had never thought that the unpromising Potato Mines, which were numerous to a certain extent, would be so terrifying after being set up as a mine array.

Ye Zhiyuan secretly glanced at Lin Sen with a complicated expression.

Before entering the Wild Beast's Cave Mystic Realm Fragment, she had thought that she was protecting Lin Sen.

Unexpectedly, Lin Sen was the one protecting her in the end.

This made Ye Zhiyuan unable to calm down for a long time.

"But the feeling of being protected seems pretty good…"

Ye Zhiyuan looked up at the sky, thinking about something.

On Lin Sen's side, he looked at the scene. There were still a large number of Potato Mines that had not been detonated, so he put them away to be used when he encountered other enemies in the future.