Obtaining the Qualification to participate in the Military Region Selection

In the lord's school.

As usual, Lin Sen continued to attend cultural classes. On the way, he passed by the class next door.

Suddenly, a beautiful girl walked out of the classroom and waved at Lin Sen.

That person was Ye Zhiyuan!

It was different from the incomparably complex inner emotions she had when she cleared the Wild Beast's Cave Mystic Realm Fragment together with him.

At this moment, Ye Zhiyuan seemed to have thought it through. She looked at Lin Sen with a bright smile and greeted him.

"Good morning, Lin Sen!"

With Ye Zhiyuan's greeting, the pressure on Lin Sen multiplied.

This was because countless gazes in the classroom were converging on Lin Sen. Whether it was boys or girls, they were all looking at Lin Sen!

It had not been long since the matter of receiving a superb evaluation in the Wild Beast's Cave Mystic Realm Fragment. Everyone still remembered the name Lin Sen.

At this moment, Lin Sen felt that it was very difficult to respond to Ye Zhiyuan. He did not know whether to respond or not.

If he responded, those boys' gazes would probably kill him!

If he did not respond, wouldn't he offend Ye Zhiyuan?

It was just an ordinary greeting from a girl. It would be rude of him not to respond!

In the end, Lin Sen greeted Ye Zhiyuan with a stiff expression.

Then, Lin Sen found an excuse and left in a hurry.

Lin Sen did not even turn his head. The pressure of being watched by countless people was too great!

Lin Sen did not want to stay there any longer.

Just when Lin Sen ran to a remote corner and was about to turn from there to his classroom, he heard what seemed to be the sound of a bell behind him.

"Lin Sen, what are you afraid of?"

"Is it really so shameful to talk to me that you don't want to talk to me in front of everyone?"

There was a hint of bitterness in Ye Zhiyuan's tone.

Lin Sen was dumbfounded.

"Shameful? How is this so?"

Lin Sen could not understand what Ye Zhiyuan was thinking.

Why would she think that Lin Sen would have such thoughts?

How could talking to Ye Zhiyuan in front of everyone be a shameful thing?

However, Lin Sen did not need to ask. Ye Zhiyuan had already said it.

"It must be!"

"I couldn't help much in the Wild Beast's Cave Mystic Realm Fragment."

"I even gave up struggling and closed my eyes to wait for death because of that terrifying crisis!"

"You've seen all this ugliness, haven't you? You must think that I'm a super lousy girl and disdain to be associated with me?"

When Ye Zhiyuan said this, Lin Sen instantly understood what she was thinking.

The other party was really bothered because of what happened back then!

He, Lin Sen, had long forgotten about that matter. Why was it that the hurdle in the other party's heart could not be overcome?

For a moment, Lin Sen did not know what to say. He could only explain that this was not the case.

"Zhiyuan, I never had such an idea…"

"No? Then why did you ignore me when I greeted you just now? I've always seen your look of disdain like it's a waste of time to talk to me!"

Hearing Ye Zhiyuan's explanation, Lin Sen felt a headache coming on.

Even though he had lived two lives, he felt that girls were really unreasonable sometimes.

He clearly did not have those thoughts, but the other party thought so.

"That's not true. It's clearly Classmate Zhiyuan who…"

When Lin Sen was about to say it, he thought about what words to use.

At this moment, Ye Zhiyuan's lips curved into a crescent shape.


"Lin Sen, don't stop talking halfway."

"Explain yourself clearly. What is it about me?"

Ye Zhiyuan stretched out her snow-white neck and leaned her head close to Lin Sen.

At this moment, Lin Sen could even smell the pleasant smell of shampoo in the other party's hair, as well as the girl's natural fragrance.

Hearing Ye Zhiyuan's words, Lin Sen started to stammer.


"Classmate Zhiyuan… that…"

Lin Sen held it in for a long time before saying it.

"I wanted to say that because… because Classmate Zhiyuan… you are too charming…"

"At that time, everyone treated me like an enemy. I… was under a lot of pressure…"

Lin Sen's mental fortitude was quite good. He quickly calmed himself down and explained the situation clearly.

"Oh, oh!"

"Because of this reason, you decided to abandon me as a friend?"

Ye Zhiyuan's attitude was aggressive, as if she was forcing Lin Sen to make a choice.

Lin Sen was about to explain.

Ye Zhiyuan burst into laughter.

"Hehe, alright, alright~"

"Lin Sen, I won't tease you anymore."

Ye Zhiyuan instantly returned to her usual diva-like state from her earlier resentful look.

She smiled brightly.

"Although I was just teasing you earlier,"

"what you said just now will be used as evidence in court!"

"So, I can take it that you were praising my beauty just now, right?"

Lin Sen was a little dumbfounded when he saw School Belle Ye's expression.

To be honest, after interacting with Ye Zhiyuan for so long, the two of them discussed academic issues the most, discussing and studying the various books in the library.

Therefore, in Lin Sen's impression, Ye Zhiyuan had always been a quiet literary girl.

However, the Ye Zhiyuan in front of him had obviously overturned Lin Sen's impression of the gentle and quiet girl!

"Cough, cough!"

"Then, Classmate Lin Sen, I appreciate your praise just now."

Ye Zhiyuan saw that Lin Sen's expression kept changing. It was very interesting.

She covered her mouth and snickered.

She looked like a student in class who wanted to laugh but did not dare to.

After a while, Ye Zhiyuan regained her usual expression. Her expression turned serious.

"Lin Sen, I'm looking for you this time to inform you of something. Congratulations on obtaining the qualifications to participate in the Military Region Selection!"

Ye Zhiyuan's expression was serious. Coupled with the topic she had mentioned, Lin Sen immediately reacted.

"Military Region Selection… Wait, when did I get the qualifications?"

Lin Sen had heard about the Military Region Selection, but when did he get the qualifications?

"When we cleared the Wild Beast's Cave Mystic Realm Fragment!"

A sly look appeared on Ye Zhiyuan's face. She blinked and told Lin Sen.

"The rule of the Military Region Selection is to conduct the pre-selection from various schools. The students with the top ten points can participate in the selection. After successful selection, they can enter the military!"

"And when you cleared the Wild Beast's Cave Mystic Realm Fragment, the points you obtained happened to get into tenth place!"

Points in tenth place?!

Lin Sen looked at Ye Zhiyuan with a complicated expression.

Back then, Ye Zhiyuan had given all the rewards, including points, to Lin Sen on the grounds that she had not contributed much and that it was Lin Sen who had worked hard to clear the Mystic Realm.

Otherwise, if the two of them had split it evenly, Lin Sen would only get 50,000 points. Even if he had lost 10,000 points, Lin Sen would not be able to get into the top ten.

Was this all a coincidence?

Or… had Ye Zhiyuan planned this all along?