Breaking Through the Flame Lord's Defense

"Not good! Enemy attack!"

The Flame Lord hurriedly dodged in fear.

Fortunately, the pea's flying speed was not fast. With his strength, he barely managed to react and dodge the attack.

"Where's the enemy?"

The Flame Lord hid behind a rock and carefully observed his surroundings.

In his opinion, the enemy was definitely not far ahead.

"Sneaking up on me?"

The Flame Lord took out an item that looked like a flame basin.

Flames were burning fiercely inside this tool.

"No matter where you hide, it's useless in front of my sea of fire!"

The Flame Lord brought the flame basin in front of him and gave it a puff of his breath.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

It was as if there was a jet of flames. The area a few hundred meters ahead was ignited, and instantly turned into a sea of fire!

"Let's see how long you can last."

The Flame Lord firmly believed that the enemy was hiding not far ahead.

Currently, his sea of fire attack would definitely envelop the other party. The other party would definitely be struggling in the sea of fire.

"Give up!"

"You're not my match!"

The Flame Lord placed his hands behind his back and muttered to himself.

The uninformed might think that the Flame Lord at this moment was very handsome and had the demeanor of a powerful person.

However, the audience could only see that the Flame Lord was talking to himself from the omniscient view.

Lin Sen was thousands of meters away from the Flame Lord!

"Such a distance, how was this achieved?"

Everyone was shocked.

They could not understand how Lin Sen could make the Pea Shooters attack so far away.

In fact, this was because Lin Sen had used the 10,000-fold amplification on the attack range of the Pea Shooters!

For the Pea Shooters, Lin Sen's positioning was very obvious. It was a long-range attack plant!

The one with powerful attack was the Nine Leaf Sword Grass.

For control, there were the Parasitic Thorns, for defense, there were the 10,000-year-old Iron Birch Trees, and for close combat, there were the Heaven-Swallowing Domineering Flowers…

Therefore, the Pea Shooters did not have to take on any other work. It only needed to do well in long-range attacks!

With the 10,000-fold amplification in attack range, the Pea Shooters could now launch a super long-range attack on the Flame Lord!

In the distance, the Flame Lord was still battling with the air.

At this moment, a pea attacked him again.


"Kid, you still dare to sneak attack me?"

The Flame Lord sensed it.

At this moment, that pea pierced through the sea of fire. The pea carried a burning flame and flew towards the Flame Lord like a fireball.

"Good fella!"

The Flame Lord was shocked.

"I'm immune to fire elemental attacks!"

He did not expect the enemy to be able to use his flames to turn ordinary peas into flaming peas.

If he did not have the Flame Lord's ability, he probably would not feel good after being hit by this fireball!

But even now…

The Flame Lord tried to catch the flaming pea with his palm.

He was knocked back a few meters.

"This …"

The Flame Lord felt his entire hand go numb.

"I can't take a second pea head-on!"

The Flame Lord began to dodge the pea attacks.

Because the flight of the peas was slow, it was not difficult for him to dodge.

"Kid, don't let me catch you!"

The Flame Lord chased after the peas.

He had thought that the enemy was not far away.

However, after chasing for a few hundred meters, he realized that there was still no trace of the enemy.

After chasing for another few hundred meters, there was still nothing!

He had been played like a monkey for a half a day, but he had yet to see the enemy.

This was too infuriating!

Anger rose in his heart. The Flame Lord continued to chase after the peas!

"Dear viewers, I can see that the Flame Lord of No. 2 High School is on the verge of breaking through the defense!"

"Plant Lord vs. Flame Lord, would the plants be burned to ashes?"

"Or would the flames be extinguished by special plants?"

"Let's wait and see!"

The host became excited.

There would probably be a good show to watch next!

"This Plant Lord is quite interesting."

"If the peas of his Pea Shooters fly faster, making it impossible for the enemy to dodge, he might be able to pursue the enemy to his death with ultra-long-range attacks!"

"This dark horse is getting more and more interesting. I'm really looking forward to his performance!"

Amidst everyone's anticipation, Lin Sen stared at the plants that were constantly shooting peas into the distance and instantly understood the reason.

"Is the enemy in that direction?!"

Lin Sen looked in that direction. There was no one at the end of the endless Wasteland.

This meant that the enemy was still very far away from him!

"With such a range, if I control it a little more and let the other party eat peas along the way, won't I be able to pursue the enemy to his death?"

Thinking of this, Lin Sen immediately planted the Parasitic Thorns.

The Parasitic Thorns burrowed into the ground. Soon, they spread out on the ground.

Vines weaved through the soil.

At this moment, in the eyes of the audience who were watching the battle from the omniscient view, he was getting closer and closer!

The Flame Lord was getting closer and closer to Lin Sen.

"Lin Sen is too trusting!"

"What a mole!"

"Without this plant, the Flame Lord might not have been able to find him if he hid in a corner."

"When the time comes, the Flame Lord and the Iron Armor Lord will take the lead. At the very least, he can hide behind and get second place."

It has been suggested that Lin Sen's Pea Shooters was a mole plant.

Although the attack range was far, it also revealed Lin Sen's location to the enemy.

"Wake up. Even without the Pea Shooter as a mole, as long as these three contestants drag on, the Military Region will definitely shrink the circle and force them to face off!"

Some people also thought that it did not matter if there was a mole on Lin Sen's side.

Even if Lin Sen did not have the Pea Shooter as a mole, the Military Region would shrink the circle and let them fight.

At this moment, the Flame Lord finally entered Lin Sen's field of vision.

"The most exciting moment has finally arrived!"

The host's voice trembled slightly. One could see her excitement.

At the scene, the Flame Lord was already extremely annoyed by Lin Sen's peas.

Now that he saw the 10,000-year-old Iron Birch Tree in front of him, he understood that Lin Sen was hiding behind it.

He had finally caught that bastard enemy!

"Brat, come out and die!"

Just as the Flame Lord spoke, a vine emerged from the ground and bound his legs.

At this moment, a pea flew towards him.

"Damn it!"

"He actually knows how to use plants to cooperate in battle?"

Flames erupted from the Flame Lord's body.

In an instant, the vines were burned. He broke free and easily dodged the pea's attack.

"They're useless. These methods… are useless against me!!!"