Changes after the contract[2]

Changes after the contract[2]

[Ace POV],

The magic array was emitting light of various colors, and they all had one thing in common: they all had a tinge of black in them. The light emitted by the magic array was initially dim, but as time passed and Anna's chants became louder, the light emitted by the array became bright to the point of being blinding.

Fortunately, the curtains were already down and thick, so I didn't have to worry about drawing attention outside.

Ignoring the mana that was beginning to become a little violent around me, I turned to look at anna, who had finished drawing the magic array on the floor and was standing in the center of it while continuing to chant.

This continued for a while until she abruptly stopped and bit her tongue, causing it to bleed slightly as she spits the blood to the center of the magic array, which became slightly dimmer when the blood came into contact with it.