New Problem

New Problem

[Third Person POV],

"You bastard"

When Andrew Dawn heard the man who was holding the violently shaking girl in his arms, he just sighed loudly and placed his right hand on his face before speaking.

"Why did you bring her to this place?" He inquired because the man he addressed did not respond, but the wind around him became violent instead.

Violent to the point where the men around them were gradually pushed back, but this was not the strangest part of it all.

What was strange was the strange green portal that appeared behind him, and from the portal slowly emerged a very big gorilla with a very strong aura.


[Rank 1 Earth Gorilla Level 37],

A spirit summoned by the entity; George Winter from the spirit world.

A mid-rank monster who excels at fighting in close combat and can defend with earth magic.
