
[Ace POV],

"Is this really a good idea?" I muttered as I turned to face the little gryphon who was following me from behind.

Of course, it was blue. At first, I considered leaving him in the alternate dimension till I remembered the time difference between the alternate dimension and the true world.

Perhaps by the time I returned, blue would have died of starvation, which I didn't want because he was the closest thing to me feeling emotions, no matter how uncomfortable they were to feel through him.

But, on the other hand, I still didn't think it was a good idea to bring blue to the true world because, aside from his inability to defend himself, he would be nothing more than a burden given the location I was going to know.

As I considered this, I turned to open the bronze door, and after blue had passed through it, I did so as well before closing as we both made our way up to the surface via the stairs ahead of us.