
The arrival of the future

On the flaming moon, this day of all days, the future is being born, in the Dragon city inside of the castle in the Dragon nursery, Sun Jain gives life to a baby dragon a son Prince Du Cao. * Cao Jain is holding his firstborn son, " you did well my queen, said, * Cao Jain, " I tried, my king, he kneel down to her. " hello my little one, we finally meet. said, Sun Jain, " I am very happy I have the wife of my dreams and now the son of my dreams thank you, my love, said. * Cao Jain, he takes him out the family and the people, " ( our people a son, prince Du Cao Jain) He walked up to his in-laws, and give Wu Po Jain his firstborn grandson, the great Dragon in the sky and the Grandfather of the Dragon family Cheng Jain, both blowout father to bless the prince, in the North the future is being born. In the Cat city inside of the castle in the Cat nursery. Xiang Bao gives life to a kitten, a son, Prince Geng Ju, Wen Bao is holding his firstborn son, " my love you did beautifully, thank you for marrying me and making me a father, said. Wen Bao, he takes him outside to the family and people, " ( our family and cat people a son prince Geng Ju Bao) he walked up to his father-in-law Chen Hou Heng, his firstborn grandson, the Great Northern cat of the mountains and the Grandfather of the Cat Zhuan Heng, family both howl to bless the prince, in the East the future is being born. in the Bear city inside of the castle in the Bear nursery Ding Yun give life to a club, a baby girl, princess Bai Su Yun, " you did wonderful my queen she beautiful. said, Liang Yun, " thank you for being my wife and the mother to our daughter, he walked out of the castle to show the family and people. " ( behold a girl, princess Bai Su Yun,) he walked up to his father and give Deng Hao Yun her, his firstborn granddaughter. the great Eastern Bear, and the grandfather of the bear family Lou Yun, both roar out to bless the princess, , in the South, the future is being born, in the Whale city and the whale nursery, Zheng Yu give life to a baby whale, a baby girl, princess Su Li Yu, " she wonderful my love, said. Hong Yu. he takes her outside to the family and the people, " (every one a girl princess Su Li Yu,) get walked up and give her to his father-in-law Jaing Wang Duyi, he holding his firstborn granddaughter, so all four future heiress and heirs is boring today. the family walked inside of the castle, and into the nursery. " the west has a future king now like always, said. Wu Jain, " that my grandson, grandpappy is going to get you the Dragon armor that ever made, " father he a baby, can we wait until he of age first, said. Sun Jain, " no we can't, that grandpappy boy, said. Wu Jain, " and that is great grandpappy boy, we going to have the best dragon blades made, said. Shi Jain, " he a baby sir, can you hold off with that first? asked, * Cao Jain. " no we can't can we? Said, Shi Jain, " and why should we need to celebrate you, that great-great-great grandpappy boy too, and you going to have the finest saddle ever made on Yanyang, said. * Cao Jain, " you three are going overboard, he will be celebrating later, said. Sun Jain, " take a nap momma, this great-great-great-great grandpappy time, the world is going to honor the great prince when they see him, said. Gao Jain, " you want me to get Kang Toa? we are all for your happiness but he was born today, can we hold off with the horse, armor, swords saddle, and worlds please, begged. * Cao Jain. " Mother grandmothers will you talk sense into them, yes my king, * Cao Jain walked out of the room, " you going through what we went through when you was born, said. Yuan Jain, " that great-great-great-great-great great grandpappy boy, we going to take our first flight one day right, " Zhou he a baby right now let's wait until he is oldest before you take him flying deal, said. Su Jain, He looked at her skeptically, " thank you, great-great-great-great-great grandmother, what is the hey telling me to go to sleep! Du Cao Jain, laughed, " momma what are we going to with you, is that right my great-great-great great-great grandboy, what momma belly aching about? he smiled and laughed again, Sun run her hand down her hair, " great dragon help me, said. Sun Jain, they walked inside of the room, " please tell all seven to stop?" there is no stop to their fire my king, Kang Tao thank you for coming, said. Sun Jain, " and that great-great-great-great-great -great grandpappy boy too, you going to have everything new and the finest that was made, said. Kang Jain, "a curse my king and queen and congrats on the new baby, what can I get for you, asked. Kang Tao. the North the Family also enter the castle and the Cat nursey, " that granddaddy boy, you are going to have the finest spears ever made on Yanyang, said. Chen Heng, " dad no weapons please let's wait until he a teen first, said. Xiang Bao, " why should we wait that is great granddaddy boy, he going to have the finest Tiger that ever born on Yanyang, said. * Gong Heng. " he is an infant and no Tigers, either, said. Wen Bao, " aw spoilsport, that great-great-great granddaddy boy, he going to have the best cat armor ever forged in Yanyang, said, Lang Heng, " mom do something please, said. Xiang Bao. " baby they are just excited to be grandfathers and great grandfathers, said. Xiao Heng, " that is great-great-great-great granddaddy boy we need to celebrate the new kitten, said. Cao Heng, " we will, you want me to get Zhang Bao? asked, Wen Bao, " yes please, you are freaking to much, she yelled out, " who do much that is great-great-great-great granddaddy boy, said, Cao Heng, " the seven of you are too much, he just a baby, can we wait until he adult before getting him a Tiger, armor, and spears!? screamed, Xiang Bao, " yes easy of your tiger Cao, I told you the same thing with Gong, Chen, and Xiang, said. Dai Heng, he looked at with a skeptically looked in his eye, but that my great-great-great-great-great granddaddy boy, we have the right to make a fuse, " yes, yes you made a fuse over Cao, you made a fuse over Lang, you made a fuse over Gong, you made a fuse over Chen and Xiang, Xain Heng told him, " what your point? asked, Tao Heng, " yes daughter-in-law what is your point that my great-great-great-great-great-great granddaddy boy we entitled to fuse, said, Laio Heng, " no more fusing that is our point, no armor, Tiger, weapons until he is adult or taken him riding can we agree on that Chen, Gong, Lang, Cao, Tao, Liao, and Zeng. said. Yin Heng, they walked into the room, "