
the accident

Sun Jain left the beach to head to the castle in the rain, as she was crossing the past lightning strike a tree branch which knock her off her horse and landed on her crashing her, injuring bad, as the rain let up a few minutes, she push it off her, but she now she has set broken ribs, her horse ran off leaving her behind, she got to her feet holding her stomach and struggling she managed to make it into a village, she lean on the door of a house before she could say anything she passes out from the pain, Shao Chen saw her as he walked up, Song Chen opens the door. " she very hurt Shao, it is the queen. said, Song. He looks at her, " Cao is going to flip out, let's get her in the house. He pick her up bring her inside the house he lay her on the bed of the spare room, they take her armor off and saw the injury, " we don't set them she could enter a fever stage, get some wrapping rags, hot water and towel, we going to have to call Wu and Yuan and Cao to let them know, she bring him everything, " right, my queen can you tell us what happen?" I am not the queen anymore your grandson is the king now, and mmm tree branch strike by lightning knock me off my horse and landed on me, mm where am I? " relax Sun you at your in-laws, that boy come far, your parents send us pictures and told us about him, said. Shao Chen, begin to set her broken ribs. The horse show up at the castle Cao Jain walked out, " Sun, my love, call Cao Jain, " (Song how you and your family been?) asked, Yuan Jain. " (good Sun is here she is badly hurt, she got set of broken ribs, Shoa is setting them now, she said that she got knocked off her horse by a branch strike by lightning which landed on her,) that hit Cao in his heart, " (she going to live, is she okay?) boy this is your fault! we took you out of that city too soon, you still act like a kid, you know your mother does not like to be out in the weather instead you asking your grandmother to come, you begged her to force her out in, now what your emergence has done, grow up act like a king, act like a husband and act like an expecting father! " ( yes Cao she shouldn't be move, you should come and be at her side son,) -(" I on my way, thank you mom and dad.) once she heals we are leaving Yanying, and no we not going to no stupid dragon island either, learn to be without us like we did, you don't see us crying for your grandparents every time! he walked out of the castle got her horse and on his left, " (I singing our daughter is hurt, boy what have you done! your mother never cry for us when she was with you, you two need to grow up and stop acting like babies!) Wu Jain left Dragon island and left, Du Jain didn't know what to say but hurt because he was the only thing about himself, Bai Chen and his family pull up at the house, " mom and dad you home? Sun Jain crying in pain, " great that what less I need, Cao is on his way. there we are done, he wipes the sweat from her forehead, Song Chen walked out, " this is not a good time for a visit Bai take your family home, Cao ride up. " you made it, your father got done setting her ribs, go be with her, He got off his horse and tie them up at the post, and walked inside, " what is he doing here! asked, Bai Chen. " be at his wife side, I do not need the both of you here now, your sister in law is badly hurt now, we do not want her to move until she is healed, go home and learn to call first instead showing up. " son I sorry that I never saw you as the great man you were, she as pick the right son, this way. said, Shao Chen, " thank you, dad, he walked into the room, kneel by the cox, " oh my love, I promise I build you an island and take you there away from Yanying, where we can be in peace and rest, he kissed her on the head. " I had a sister in law can I meet them, " no you can take them home, she is resting now, Wu Jain and Shi Jain landed on the ground and walked up, she took them inside and into the room, " my little dragon, my beautiful baby girl, why you just stay in wait, said. Wu Jain, " thank you for helping her Song and Shao, she move her head a little, " father, " I am here Sun so is Cao, and your grandfather. said. Wu Jain, " my granddaughter why you didn't ignore your mother's words, it was too dangerous for you to be out in, said. Shi Jain, Bai Chen, and Li Chen walked inside of the house, " I thought you to go home, said, Song. " tell them to leave! Cao Jain got up and was about to walk, she grabbed him by the arm, " my love, " mm island huh, that be wonderful my love, tell me about, what are we doing wrong? " nothing we raised him right, he just doesn't want to let go and be alone, I not going to stand for that my sunshine, he needs to respect me, he started to explain the island to her, as he explains she went to sleep, he kissed her hand, they walked out to let her rest, " Bai leaves my wife is resting, I do not need your loud mouth to disturb her! size mom told you to go home! " yes we told you now is not the time, we do not need your patty jealous over that she pick him over you, need to face it you not a good choice as a king or her husband, this is my house never walk in my door as you own, the way you came in you can leave the same way, ordered. Shao Chen, " I will be dead first if she picks a worm-like you! said. Wu Jain, so they walked out and left.