"let's get start
They landed on the island called Shap Jin, which they called Dragon paradise, and they start to build their house, " Sun my love has taken it easy please, said. Cao Jain, " yes my love I will, said. Sun Jain, as the send is going down behind them they got down putting their houses up, they got started on the farmhouse where they going to put their chickens in, * Cao Jain, and Yao came to help them with everything. " you need up, how are you feeling my great-granddaughter? asked. Yao Jain, " help is welcome great grandmother, still sore but better, said. Sun Jain, " my love time for you to rest, please get off your feet, said. Cao Jain, they walked in the house why *cao Jain and *Cao Jain get the farmhouse built, " I fix us some tea, so he finally let momma and poppa go so they can rest in solitude huh? asked. Yao Jain, " she didn't but he did, I can see my baby boy didn't want to let go. said, Sun Jain, " you never do it the only way for you all to grow and learn to be great kings and queens, Sun Jain raises her eyebrow, " great grandmother I am the only girl in this family, there are no other queens, except mother, grandmother, you, great-great-grandmother, great-great-great-grandmother, great-great-great-great grandmother, great-great-great-great-great grandmother, great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother, and great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother. stated, Sun Jain, They got the farmhouse up, " so who help my great-granddaughter my great-grandson-in-law? what next to built? asked. *Cao Jain, " my parents, tell you the truth I shock that they did, but I'm glad they took my love in and help her, instead leaving her out in pain, (my love the farmhouse is done what else we need in our oasis? ) asked, * Cao Jain, back on Yanying in the four kingdoms, " (okay guys our parents left us, so let's make them proud, ) said. Du Jain, " (our families defend, protect the kingdoms for decades so can I got eyes on the valley forge and the hunting grounds, hunting overseer this is your new king Deng Ju Bao the son of Wen Bao and Xiang Bao, the grandson of Chen Heng and Xiao Heng,) said. Geng Bao, " (I got eyes in the back of us to, and I got the trapping islands Du, Trapping overseer this is your new king Bai husband, He Delan, the son in law of Laing Yun and Ding Yun, the grandson in law of Deng Yun and Zhao Yun,) said. He Delan, " ( I got the ocean Du, and the fishing islands, fishing overseer this is your new king, Wu He Su husband, the son in law of Zheng and Hong Yu, the grandson in law of Jiang and Zhang Duyi,) said. Wu He, " ( great my friends I got the hills, and the farming islands, farming overseer this is your new king Du Cao Jain, the son of Sun and Cao Jain, the grandson of Wu and Yuan,) they got it from her, and they all working together as one, on Dragon Paradise, " ( you need a fishing shack, and a hunting and trapping cabins,) said. Sun Jain. " let's built a fishing shack on the lakes, they head to the lakes, " we can get make the garden you going to need herbs and vegetables and fruits, said. Yao Jain finished drinking their tea, and they walk outside and put up a fence on the side of the house, and start plowing the ground so they can sow seeds, that Yao Jaun brought with her, Xiang and Wen Bao made it to the island of Shang Lo which they called Cat Heaven in the mountains, they got started building their house, " he makes it they both will my love, said. Wen Bao, " and they know we be back to see our grandchild born, said. Xiang Bao, they got their house us and they got started to building the Barnhouse for the animals, back on Yanying and on the Hunting islands, " ( congratulations my king what can I do for you?) asked, Guo Jing the hunting overseer. " ( how are we doing on the hunts Gou?) asked. Geng Bao. " (our hunting number is at 978,945% and we got every wagon to fill on the way to the cat city my king,) said, Gou Jing. " ( good job Gou keep the good work going, Du, we are good on the hunting islands, soon the wagons gets here I send you guys yours,) said, Geng Bao. " (thanks Geng that is great news of the day, ) said. Du Jain went to check on his queen Mao Bao, Geng Bao step away for a minute, on Dragon paradise they got every seed planted, and *Cao Jain and * Cao Jain finished building the fishing shack at the lake, and they start crafting some fishing poles and hooks, the wind is picking up as the sun went down. Liang and Ding made it to the island called Zhuan Ho, which is the name it Bear valley, they got started building their house, " I weird how Sun and Cao doing, said. Liang Yun, " we can screen them when we stop for a break my love, said. Ding Yun, back on Yanyin in the trapping islands, " ( how may I help you my king?) asked, Cheng Wei the Trapping overseer, " (how it going in the traping islands) asked, He Delan, " ( our number is at 1007,899% and every wagon are fill on the way to the Bear city,) said. Cheng Wei, " (great work Cheng, thank you, guys, we are looking good with the trapping islands, soon the wagons arrive I will send you yours,) said. He Delan, " (two great news we can do this guy,) said. Geng Bao, " (you said, we keep up flow, make sure the people is taken care of, we got this,) said. Du Jain, He Delan step away from the screen to went to check on his queen Bai Su Delan, Zheng and Hong made it to the underwater city called Lang Shao which they name Whales paradise, and it submerge from the water they got started building their waterproof house.