
Dragons love

Cao Jain walked up to Sun, " my love last thing I ever wanted to do is to hurt you, but I only want you. I should wait for them to come back, I can not live without you Sun, I need you more than you can know that I do. Said, Cao Jain. " Cao I know it wasn't your fault, I told you that I can look past it my love, if I couldn't we wouldn't marry wirg a son and grandson, you never going to lose me, I love you, my husband, he touches her face, grab her by her skirt and he pulls her to him. " thank you for saving me, thank you for picking me, and thank you for marrying me, you are my everything Sun, they kissed each other, he picks her up and carry out the castle to their cabin, " he was thefirst boy she saw and she was the first girl he falls in love with, your parents met when they both seventeen, not knowing that your mother stuck her tail out the castle, even she was locked in the castle, he didn't move on, your father waited for her to be free, you may didn't test her grandson, she may not pass it, but your dragon pick her, said, Yuan Jain as she walks in the castle up to them, " yes Zhang I still love you, need you to be at my side, I get it you love your parents I love mines, could you stop being divided and try to be one mine, one body, and one voice, try to be like the queens ahead of you, be more like my mother, i can't defend andprotected alone, protecting is your job, these people needthere queen, how are you going to put them first if you always going to turn into that village girl that want her parents around, how are we going to put our son first if you always going to put your parents first, can we have a marriage like my parents? asked. Du Jain, " yes we can be one voice I get it now, our people come before anything, like our grandmother I will protect them, I want to be like the queens that came before me, I love you, Du, please don't leave me, my parents are not importment to me, you and our son is, said. Zhang Jain, walked up to her, and he kissed her, she kissed him back, and he picked her up and carried her into their room, they walked into the nursery where *Cao Cao is awake, " hey baby boy did we have a good nap, asked. Yuan Jain, she pick him up out of the cradle, " this family has been blessing with three great-great-great-grand grand babies your grandmother, your father, and you. Said, Pen Jain, he smile at her, and in the North cat city in the castle, Geng Bao is feeding his daughter Cai Wen Bao, " my baby girl welcome to the world of Cats, said. Geng Bao, " I love to see you with her Geng. said, Mao Bao. they kissed each other, " I join a nice bottle of milk on a warm day, said, Geng Bao, in the East in Bear city and the castle, He Delan is taking his baby boy around the village, " this is your home my son, you are a bear prince like daddy and mommy, granddaddy and grandma, and great grandpappy, and great grandma said. He Delan, Zhou Su Delan, smiled at his father, he kissed his son and walked up the city, and the south and the whale city, inside of the castle, " who could think I would have a daughter like you Dai Dai Long, said. Li Long Su Long walked up and wrap her arms around him, " life is perfect, is it? asked. Su Long, " with you and Dai, it sure is. said, Li Long, back in the west in the dragon camps, Sun and Cao in the bed looking at each other, " I only want you, thank you for not picking my brother, she looked at him, " Cao, you welcome my love, he got my question wrong sizes I saw that he been with a lot of women, that his heart doesn't belong to anyone, that we burn up by the flame, grandpa, she sat on him, " did that happen to us that we are grandparents? do I look like a grandfather, they kissed each other, " we have our first grandchildren, she runs her hands through her hair. he runs his hands up her body, she looked at him. " why you didn't want to be with her?" gross the city her whose not to say that she hasn't slept with my brother, I waited for you all of my life, he lay her on the bed. " that dance was wonderful, you everything I wanted in a wife, they kissed each other and cuddle, meanwhile at the Dragon city, his sons Wen and Ren walked up to the gates, the new city marshall Guo Ruogang walked, up to the gates, " stay what you are, what you want in the city outsiders, asked. Gou Rougang, " we are looking for our father, said. Wen, Zan " mom is sick and needs up, said. Ren Zan, " whose your father why do you think he is here? Du Jain with his family walked up to him, " Gou what is going on? asked. Du Jain, " our mother said he lives here, said. WEn Zan, " his name is Cao Chen, please she needs up, Gou Rougang looked at him, Du Jain hands *Cao Cao to Zhang his wife and queen, he walked up the gates, " I will be the dragon out of you, he my father, I am his only son! remove your lying arses away from my gate! Mother! Father! callout Du Jain, a screen appeared and they looked at him, " (i am calling a family meeting now I need the Jains here at the castle now!) roared, Du Jain.