
the castle

I have grown then since that hunt, full grown Dybrid, train to kill Hybrids, Damphires, Werewolves, Dybrids, and Vampires, as I enter the kitchen my ears wiggled, that usually tells me we begin the attack, or pop bear and Uncle Snow and Uncle Spike is lurking somewhere, Slice jump up, I pulled out my sword and train has begun, " you need to be center Clover that was way too easy, said. Slice, " I hear you this morning when you snuck up Slice, and someone is coming up the driveway, I told him, Snowman pop out and fire at me, I reflected the bullets away, " to slow uncle Snow, I said, they got out of the car and walked up to the door, " Spike takes over I got to handle this, said. Slice, Spike flipped off the banisters and landed on his feet, " you getting clever Clove, come. we start to practice, Snowman reloaded and ran down the steps, Slice walked out of the door, " what are you doing here!? Snap out Slice. " we came back, why can we be a family and you just get a normal job, " leave now I already signed the divorce papers and file them, go home to your parents, you can't stay here, and we do not want you here, said, Slice. uncle Snowman fire again I dodge it, I trip uncle Spike and point my sword at him, " good just like we taught you, said, Spike, " how about lunch, asked. A snowman, " sounds good to me, I said. we head into the kitchen, " lunchtime bro, our girl bad a** like us, said. Spike, closed the door on her, and walked up and kissed me on the head, " looked at me, ignore it, you do not want to go that way baby, we need you Cover fight that Dybrid urgent, he pull out my food, rice with cheap stomach gravy, not the great but what I eat, I started to eat, as they eat their streak and mashed potatoes, " who was that pop bear, I asked. tasty I do have to mint, I eat some more rice with sheep stomach, " no one, a pest I paid to leave, said. Slice, after we finished eating lunch, " we going out patrolling and pick up supplies, and coolers and, cut everything on and stay in the castle. said, Slice. I shake my head. and they head out of the house, I cut the safety system on, it was quarter past five, and my ears are picking up noises, as I am on the walkway, kneeling to get ready for everything. there is a howl in the woods and a woman at that door looking like they are coming out of the wolves, I flipped down and landed, I pulled her in, sat her behind the kitchen, " stay down and do not move, I put my sword on my back, and pulled out the rifle, my eyes are following the shadows around the house, one shot, one movement, is what it takes, "(Clover how you doing right now?) asked. Spike, " (can't talk right now, something shadows is at the forcefields,) there was howling, werewolves no doubt, " (werewolves, ) I said, " (I on my way, can you hold until I get there clove?) asked. Uncle Snowman, " only this time Clover, who is there with you?) asked, Slice, " (a woman, my nose picking up that she kin of yours, ) one got through the fields, i fire hitting it with a sliver round, it fall on the ground and dead, " sh*t Slice your ex f*cking wife, (we are on the way Clove, come out if you must only if you must,) they turn around and head back to the castle, i grab her and pull her into the garage, and closed the doot and unlocked, I take my vest off and turn, I burst through the window attacking onewho is coming through, they pulled upand ran in the house, they fire at them, " Clove duck, i thought i said if you must! said, Spike, " this is if you must, Clove duck now, i duck, " Dybrid. said a voice, got my attention wolf, it's on, " don't you even think about it Clover stay put now, they back off in ran into the woods, i turn back, they walked up, " he want you to follow, you be on there grounds, not yours, said. Slice, " what rule one of hunting, " never play to there hands, i put my vest back on, " you be in the dark, Clove no, so what if he knows what you are, long as he doesn't know your name, baby you did good holding off, said. Spike, " that is our ace, size you outnumber, he could be bigger and stronger than you. said, Snowman, " they came from the woods that means, " yes the nest is five minutes from us, we have a werewolves infestation, where is my ex at? asked. Slice, " woohoo! that means we take care of this problem before going to a new task, said. Spike, we walked back in the house, five miles in the woods and in the mansion, " the humans got a freaking Dybrid Cronos, said. Jandar, " she cocky and she comes to her death, said. Meng, " this is a joke, she can't nearly be as massive as us, a Dybrid what a laugh, said, Ceasar, " do everything serious must be a laughed to you, said. Jandar, they were about fur off, " pipe down, like I said, we keep attacking make them weak when the time is right take them out one by one, said. Cronos, back at the castle, " who is she, Richard, what is going on. she cries, my attention is on the woods, " Clove come here, I walked up to him, " let it go, they like getting under your skin, said. Snowman, " they behind us uncle Snowman, " we know, we going to take them out, the way to get to the dogs, not meaning you C, taken out their buildings, one by one. said, Spike. " she is my adopted daughter, you own her thank you because she saved your life, Clover suit up we go out looking for the dogs, hey baby girl forget it you not going in those woods, let it go, please. he hugged her, "we make him pay for calling you out, go get in your gear, you two, we head up the steps, " she locked me in the garage, how come i never met here, " they didn't see you, here is some money pack up go out of town and stay away, do not come back, this is the real world now, there are monsters that will kill you or turn you, we are hunters to protected people like you, Clover one, with love, training, and guidance everyone tame t make her until a hunter, yes we do to let her turn in less she has no option like now, you were locked in so she won't hear your heart beats or smell your blood, I do not need that side we need the side we got, leave us alone, never come back. said, Slice.