
amily meeting

everyone is at the new castle now, pop bear is telling them what up now, " he is lived a pawn of the Hybrids as their hunter to come after Clover, get your guns loaded fire first, it you or him, they coming out the hiding now, armor up, get both guns with bullets UV rolls and silver and acid, we upgrading now, said, pop bear. human, vampire, werewolf, Hybrid or my kind bring it if you can, so we begin to target training, and combat training as well, meanwhile he is combat traing with a ax, how a regular an ax, pop bear walked up to me and stand behind me, " it's you and him, a gun stand off one of you have to fire first, Clover made it you, this shot got to take him out to put him in a stand of coma, the arm is no good the leg is no good were you going to aim, pop bear asked, i really didn't estamate all in my head yet, so i fire hitting the target in the stomach taken it to the ground, He walked up and the hybrids layer, " it's you and her one on one no one around, you are out of bullets, not a stand off it's an battle of skills now, bring it. he ran at her as she teach him marshall arts, " not good enough, you fire first but you did put him in a coma, now he p#ssed want you really dead, pop bear take his shirt off, okay he either freaking me out and scaring the pee out me, and i half animal i don't have any pee, " you can not show your super side to him, he going to want a fair fight, he is not going to fight you fair Hybrids always have ace up their hole, said. uncle Spike, " do not let him pull it out, so what do you so what do you do? asked, uncle Snowman, that easy don't fight him fair either he want to fight dirty, then let's fight dirty, i take my shades off, and hand it to him, " easy this not going to be a fair clean fight, we ran at each other, at the Hybrid layer, Lacadius took him down, " she just kick your #ss in an unfair fight have about you forgot about the ejection needle of scorpion blood in your pocket, she told him, one of her hanchmen hand the needle to , " make sure you aim for the heart, he told him. at the new casttle i hit the ground, " really It you going to kick my #ss, daddy not going to help you to, he just monk you and talk about your father, he just gotunder your skin, what is your move all training is out the window now, said. pop bear, okay he getting personal, i usaully the one walking away, " he is about to pull out that needle, said, uncle spike, " he going to aim at your heart do not let him get close Clove, you can be wreckless now, their is only one choice now, the shamrock serect weapon, uncle Snowman slide on my hands the knuckle glooves, " it's fill with knock out gas and memeory easier wher you going hit him out don't forget about that needle either, said. uncle Snowman, we circle each other pop bear spin the needle around in his hand, at the Hybrids layer, she wave him to come at her, he walk u trying to aim for the heart she smack him on the face and dodging him, we swing at each other, dodging that needle and in trying to get close to deliver a punch, she hook hm on the side of his face, " it's over she ease you memeory everything is gone, family memeories, and all your training, you should take her off her feet again, said, Lacadius, he throw me at a tree hard, i struggling to get to my feet, " huh, can we stop for awhile pop bear? " i am not your pop bear the only time we stop is when you are dead, he just threat to kill you, you should aim for his heart Clover, you may be faster then he is, stronger then he is, he has one over you he is skilled trained by a two thousend Hybrid, do you understand! you two do not say anything at all, he snap at me, that hurt he never snap at me, and it just p#ssed me off, i got to my feet, " you want the Dybrid you get it, i do not care who train you, after i take you out she or he is next! they smiled at her, he look at me, at the Hybrid layer, " you are going down animal, only one of is walking away, said. Charles, they circle each other and went at each other, the fight is on now, he went left, i knock the needle out ot of his hand and spin and jump kicking , he fly back hitting the ground, " no, one threats my family human, you call me names aii you want hate me all you want, i roared out, they laughed, Charles pick her up and slam her to the ground knocking the air out her, " he was my father before you ever freaking came in the picture IT! i stand over him with my fist raised, " i was hoping you make it interseting human, now i have one over you, i let her know that you put up a fight, they walked up to him, " you want us to get her off or wipe you clean?" very funny Spike, bring that to the fight and make it an very dirty fight he won't expect that. said, pop bear, they calm me down as they help him up, at the layer, " this was fun i tell him you did your best, said. Charles, " well done you are ready get change and armed with a vichle, she ordered, they went get him ready, after we finished training for the day, uncle pete exam me, " it will heal, he loves you clover, juat dosn't want lose you to a hunter, none off do, you have to take his #ss down first and undo him, baby, that only way his reign will it, i put on my est and zip it up, " promise us you bring the fight to him, and undo everything this Hybird pour into him, said. uncle pete, " i promise uncle pete, he hugged me.